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How's my slappin'?


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I put a very short sound byte on my site as an example of slap: I'm not great at slappin', and after watching the Mark King clip from another thread, I don't know whether to do another one or not even put it on line ...this one I made up on the spot (with a drum loop)...then again I didn't want to show off or play something which either made me sound worse or put off beginners, you know. Anyway, no better way to get good feedback than to ask you guys...:p






remember, it's meant to be short and simple

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..I just tried to record another...as I was playing I thought 'wow, I am in the groove, I'll put this up!' ....but as usual I listen to the playback and the timing sounds bad...thats the thing with slapping - you get the technique:you find the notes; you play it; you hate it (repeat this process until....?)

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whatd you record that with? the Jazz?



yes the jazz ....


simple lines can sometimes be the best in slapping ....a simple line slapped well sounds ok; when you try too much and make mistakes those clangers are so much more noticable then during regular playing

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thanks all - I find bass players less competetive and more friendly than guitarists, there's a good commoraderie here...if I was in another forum doing the same I'd probably get comments like 'go practice'


I'm a guitarist

Wanna fight about it?




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