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Ok so how do I go about using this EBAY thingamjiggy??


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Well I have a paypal and i'm about to get my first account on "the bay" so any tips as to how to get my ranking up so more people will buy from me? Is it hard for a new user to get your rank up? I've just looked at ebay never attempted to sell or buy so i'm lost.:confused:

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You will get your ranking up by doing good transactions.

One transaction, one vote.

So there really isn't a quick way to do it other than cheating, which I wouldn't recommend.

A good way can be to buy your little items on eBay rather than at physical shops. You can find anything on eBay.

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i was like you,scared,confused,BUT,as you get the hang of it WATCH-OUT! you think gassin for gear is bad,HELL! sellin-buyin,its like a high,or a drug to me! you can almost sell anythin on the bay!. i seen a pair of SHOESTRINGS for sale,they were a collecter type,strawberry shortcake brand! have fun ...lumpy555

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I was a "addtict" for a while on ebay.

I would bid on stuff just to see im the highest bidder and it was a hell ofa rush!

I had no money, so it was very dangerous. I ended up winning something and had to make up an excuse to back out.

Watch out!

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Well I have a paypal and i'm about to get my first account on "the bay" so any tips as to how to get my ranking up so more people will buy from me? Is it hard for a new user to get your rank up? I've just looked at ebay never attempted to sell or buy so i'm lost.


My advice...don't. Ebay has gone wild with their "seller's fees" lately. There's now an insertion fee, paypal fee, and the dumbest of all...the final value fee. It used to only cost 3 or 4 dollars to sell a $500 guitar, and that my cost you as much as $15 now. I'm tired of giving money to ebay. They NEVER come through if you have a problem, but have no problem when it comes to collecting money from you. Rant over...:thu:

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I was a "addtict" for a while on ebay.

I would bid on stuff just to see im the highest bidder and it was a hell ofa rush!

I had no money, so it was very dangerous. I ended up winning something and had to make up an excuse to back out.

Watch out!



One more reason why you shouldn't sell on evilbay...this kind of stuff...and ebay usually does nothing about it.

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My advice...don't. Ebay has gone wild with their "seller's fees" lately. There's now an insertion fee, paypal fee, and the dumbest of all...the final value fee.



There's always been these three fees. PayPal fee has nothing to do with eBay -- it's your choice whether or not to accept PayPal (though you most definitely should if you want the highest final price). If there was no insertion fee, people would post everything at a high price and it'd lose its auction format. If there was no final value fee, everyone would post for $0.01 and eBay wouldn't exist anymore.

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Its a poor ex., but i'm showing you what it could do if your not carefull!

Its a blackhole you cant get out of. EVERYTHING is on ebay.

Maybe thats why ppl. call it evilbay.......


Also, this is the dumbest reason I can think of to dissuade someone. If you're addicted to buying things, you can do the same thing at Amazon.com or any other online store. There's no difference except that when you do it with eBay you're causing an individual person to have a pain in the ass to deal with, instead of a large business.


If you put an item in the paper and someone calls you to tell you they want it, then shows up and decides against it (or never shows up at all), you don't blame the newspaper, do you?

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Who said anything about bidding on something they didn't intend to buy?



I had no money, so it was very dangerous. I ended up winning something and had to make up an excuse to back out.


Dumbass thing to do, IMHO.

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whoops...missed that.I thought he might have misunderstood what I had said. I'm in it to win it!

As am I. :D


I've actually sold a bunch of stuff on eBay too and never really had a problem with bidders, aside from one jackass with negative feedback who bid on one of my items even though I plainly stated "Bidders with zero or negative feedback will have their bids canceled!". He threw a bit of a {censored}fit over that one. :D

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