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Cheap bass 4x10 stack?


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I need a cheap 4x10 stack fast. My friend's band just kicked their bassist and they want me to be the permanent bassist. I'm going to be using my friend's Fender Deluxe Active J-Bass until I buy my own Fedner Deluxe Active J-Bass. As for a stack, I was thinking the Carvin SBR410 stack. I have a Carvin guitar cab and love it and I might take a chance on their bass products. I need something under $800 and I have no preference as to it being tube or SS. I'm going to be playing mostly hardcore/post-rock-ish kinda stuff and need a tone that'll cut through the mix and that has very prominent highs.

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the mark VIII is lowwwwwwwwd. i like the XP (newer) version, but i'm sure that one on Ebay is just as awesome. although, it's a bit sketchy looking. but hey, it's a peavey, it doesn't matter what you do to it...it'll probably still work fine

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How does the Ashdown handle overdriven bass tones?



Unless you have an overdrive pedal, it'll be just clean.


Personally, I recommending using your guitar rig for mids and highs, and getting a good bass amp for the low end. But that might not be your sound.

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How does the Ashdown handle overdriven bass tones?



It handles them just fine. In fact, it has an input gain that you can set to just below clipping, giving it a fairly aggressive tone on it's own.

Don't bother using two amps and guitar cabs and all that {censored}, it's alot more complicated than it needs to be. For your budget, the Ashdown/Avatar will do fine, so will any nice Peavey head.

Take a look on Craigslist and see if you can find some deals.


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