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I'm in this for the drunk chubby girls

Crescent Seven

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The headliner at our gig last night was stuck in Nebraska, so we were asked to play for 2 hours. We only have about an hour of polished material, so we played an hour of improvised funk and reggae after our set.


Whoa. We just discovered what the next 10 songs we write are going to be like. I've discovered the joy of 20 chubby drunk women swinging their tits around in front of me. Hoo-ah.


It's a good thing my wife was there, too, because we got swarmed like an hors d'ourves tray at a Hostess snack cake convention...


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Sounds like luck of the draw - you *could've* just as easily ran into a crowd of young hotties that were just as "enthusiastic" about your playing that night... Personally, I like mine built for speed, not comfort - so our "roadie/security" usually scoops up on the heavies...


Glad ya had fun, though - and you're probably on the money with those next ten new songs...





- georgestrings

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wo... bring up your standards man... at least get the mid grade chicks... the fatties are for the drummers and guitards..


Hells nah. Give me a chubby girl with a cute face anyday. They've always gotten first consideration from me. I'll let the other 50 guys in the bar fight over the 10 "hot" girls while I'm balls deep in stank out back in my truck.:idea:


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Sounds like luck of the draw...


Word. The interesting thing is, while the chubby girls were shaking their asses on the dancefloor, having a good time with big smiles on their faces, their "hot" friends were at the bar text messaging people, posing, and intentionally looking bored. Those girls can slide out of the bar on their faces for all I care.:D


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Word. Fat chicks are usually way cooler and more interesting than hot skinny chicks.

But still...there's a limit...



I have 3 elements of criteria:

-her hips must not be wider than her shoulders

-her belly must not stick out farther than her boobs.

-her cheeks must not stick out further than her earlobes.


Other than that, if she's cute and horny, saddle up.


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This thread is awesome.

C7 is dead on here. Some of you are just too fixed on getting with a model to know where the fun really is.



What can I tell you, bud - I've already got a hot GF that treats me fantastically, so my standards are pretty high...


Nothing wrong with chubby chasin if you're into it, though - you're sure to get some action that way...




- georgestrings

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What can I tell you, bud - I've already got a hot GF that treats me fantastically, so my standards are pretty high...

Nothing wrong with chubby chasin if you're into it, though - you're sure to get some action that way...



Don't get me wrong. I am not in the game either. I live with my girlfriend of 3 years. And she is smokin' (I got lucky scoring this one) I am just saying, I have met many skinny bitches and many awesome girls with a few extra pounds.

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What can I tell you, bud - I've already got a hot GF that treats me fantastically, so my standards are pretty high...

Nothing wrong with chubby chasin if you're into it, though - you're sure to get some action that way...



See, you say this like I'm aiming low or whatever, or I just can't get the "hot" girls. That's complete crap. You need to meet my wife and you'd see what I'm talking about.

One of the most important attributes that chubby girls tend to have that "hot" girls tend not to IME is a {censored}ing brain in their head. As much as I used to like straight hooking up with girls, it was always nice to go out to breakfast the next morning and have something to talk about. The "hot" girls got kicked curbside at sunrise because they acted like they did me a favor letting me bust a nut on their face, after I had spent $100 on them the night before. Bull{censored}, essay.


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I have 3 elements of criteria:

-her hips must not be wider than her shoulders

-her belly must not stick out farther than her boobs.

-her cheeks must not stick out further than her earlobes.

Other than that, if she's cute and horny, saddle up.




I couldn't have possibly said it better.


Let the 50 fight over the 3 models, and you can just walk up to and out with the pick of the rest.


Better yet, if you ignore the hotties right beside them... man are in good.

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The Bigger the cushjon, the sweeter the pushin, or so I am told

The Bigger the waistband, the deeper the quicksand.......Etc

Big Bottom!

Big Bottom!

Talk about Buttcheeks, My Gals Got em!




My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights

Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah


Big bottom, big bottom

Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em

Big bottom drive me out of my mind

How could I leave this behind?

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she's fat.

i'm drunk.

it's on!


not fat though, chubby! i'm with c7 on this one! i'll take the chubbies anyday of the week! or the 40 to 45 year old divorced soccer moms that are just looking for some younger guy to get jack hammered by and not have to worry about a wake call or something! it's not making love, it's {censored}ing!

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