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confused about these tubes...


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i just got an amp that needs a new sextet of el34s. so i went to thetubestore.com to look at some and i chose out a nice set that suited me i thought but in the description it starts talking about how this tube intended for..... then all these words came up like pentodes and triodes and push/pull applications and i was wondering what douse this all mean? is this tube intended for something special instead and not for my new tube head i just bought? will it still work out ok with great results if i plug them into my head or are these tubes for another purpose? heres the link right here.... http://www.thetubestore.com/el341.html

thanks! btw the head is an old 70s sound city 120 if it matters

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It just means there's several different ways the tube can be wired up to make an amplifier, basically.


You don't need to worry about that, though, just yank out the old tubes, plug in the new ones and you're ready to rock :thu:


You should be fine with those, SC120 uses 6 EL34s



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an EL84 valve is an EL84 valve, so get a (matched preferably) set of those and you will be fine


pentodes and triodes are different types of valve, they basically do the same thing as far as we are concerned, just with slightly different connections and applications. Nothing to worry about unless you are building an amp from the ground up, all EL84's will be the same type.

push/pull is one way of wiring them up to work - when you hear amps referred to as class a or a/b or whatever this is what they are talking about


I would try and get a matched set of valves, in the amp they work alongside each other so generally you want them with similar gains so they work together well (mismatched valves will work fine, just will sound a bit different).



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