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I'm still waiting for someone to reconcile TN's "live and let live" stance with his desire to tell McCartney how he should run his business.


I wonder if Ted would hire a vegetarian to work for him...

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You, sir, are a moron.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Sorry man, I don't need LSD for the music that I listen to make sense... Others, well... ;)


I listened to the Beatles a little in junior high. I lost the CD, found it when I went to college, put it in, and couldn't believe I spent $11 at Wal-Mart for such garbage.


My uncle is a die-hard fan, and I hate whenever I have to be in the car with him cause he ALWAYS has that stuff on. But I bear it, so it's k. :)

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To whom, even? The poor people who don't work and can't buy a Happy Meal in the first place?

{censored} that {censored}. This ain't Communist Russia (yet...). What are they going to do, just raid everyone's bank account, put it in a pile, and say "Here ya go everybody! Pass Go, collect $250k?"

(being rhetorical, but still...about as nonsensical an idea if there ever was one)



Government provided healthcare is only the beginning.

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Government provided healthcare is only the beginning.



Beginning? How about "let's take some tax money and give it as welfare to some deserving people who can't seem to make ends meet" or " Let's put a tax on poperty every year to finance some school lunch program".

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Sorry man, I don't need LSD for the music that I listen to make sense... Others, well...

I listened to the Beatles a little in junior high. I lost the CD, found it when I went to college, put it in, and couldn't believe I spent $11 at Wal-Mart for such garbage.

My uncle is a die-hard fan, and I hate whenever I have to be in the car with him cause he ALWAYS has that stuff on. But I bear it, so it's k.




Ok, I have to ask, what music DO you like. What group DO you like? Or do you even like music at all?


Maybe being a musician isn't what you're destine to be....Jim Derogatis could be a role-model for you!

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Government provided healthcare is only the beginning.


I think companies are just going to start leaving the country if the tax system doesn't change. Corps are the ones that are going to be taxed out of the ass (more than they already do!) to pick up the slack for that kind of stuff.

They'll just pickup shop and head somewhere else. We live in a borderless world nowadays anyhow.

I remember reading all the scathing stuff about Haliburton when they picked up and moved. How they were just doing it to "evade" US taxes and all that noise. Well, gee, ya think? :p:) Smartest move any large corp has ever made. Working in "the industry" like I do, I'd be fed up too with these IRS and SEC and wtf-ever bozos giving me grief everyday.

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Beginning? How about "let's take some tax money and give it as welfare to some
people who can't seem to make ends meet" or " Let's put a tax on poperty every year to finance some school lunch program".


Nothing pisses me off more than feeding poor kids when they go to school.

:mad: :mad:

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Ok, I have to ask, what music DO you like. What group DO you like? Or do you even like music at all?

Maybe being a musician isn't what you're destine to be....Jim Derogatis could be a role-model for you!



Yeah, that's about right there chet...? I don't like your favorite band so I dislike music? It's boring pop music. People bitch all day long about the Maroon 5's (whom I love) or the Blink 182s or Green Days or Nickelbacks sucking, yet that's all the Beatles were back in their heyday.

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Ok, I have to ask, what music DO you like. What group DO you like? Or do you even like music at all?

Maybe being a musician isn't what you're destine to be....Jim Derogatis could be a role-model for you!


So you are saying that if you don't like the Beatles you shouldn't be a musician and you may not like music at all? :confused:

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Nothing pisses me off more than feeding poor kids when they go to school.



He's actually right on. In Texas (or maybe just in my {censored}ed up county), public school cafeterias are open for the summer for free breakfasts AND lunches to whomever shows up. You think residents who have 5-7 people renting a 2 bedroom apt are paying the property taxes to finance this? Nope. :)

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So you are saying that if you don't like the Beatles you shouldn't be a musician and you may not like music at all?


No, not at all. I'm going more from his past posts on other threads. The guy doesn't like anything. Anything.


This is just another post of his saying he doesn't like things. Take a gander at what he said on the thread of "What bands can you just not get into" or whatever it was called.


I'm just asking what it was he DOES like. Being a musician, you pretty much have to be inspired by something, someone. Most people start out by copying the music they like, then branching out from there. But since he basically likes nothing (which I can't believe), what inspires him...that's all. :D

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He's actually right on. In Texas (or maybe just in my {censored}ed up county), public school cafeterias are open for the summer for free breakfasts AND lunches to whomever shows up. You think residents who have 5-7 people renting a 2 bedroom apt are paying the property taxes to finance this? Nope.


I brought my lunch to school every day. On top of that, I don't have kids now. Needless to say, I think public schools providing lunches on my tax dollars is pissing my hard earned money away.

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Too many to list...






pretty much any and all 70's music




name it, might be on the list...


I can see certain bands...but an entire decade? Then the flippant "name it, might be on the list..." kind of leads one to conclude you don't like anything...not just the Beatles, but anything.


But you ended with liking Maroon 5...which restores some faith. At least you like something! :D


Rock on!

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my lunch to school every day. On top of that, I don't have kids now. Needless to say, I think public schools providing lunches on my tax dollars is pissing my hard earned money away.




I wasn't actually making a judgement call on the good or bad of it, just pointing out that redistribution of wealth has always been going on in this country, it's just seems to grow a bit every more every year. We can always get people to agree on a "Wouldn't be nice to help...." scenario without really going into who and how it gets paid for.

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No, not at all. I'm going more from his past posts on other threads. The guy doesn't like anything. Anything.

This is just another post of his saying he doesn't like things. Take a gander at what he said on the thread of "What bands can you just not get into" or whatever it was called.

I'm just asking what it was he DOES like. Being a musician, you pretty much have to be inspired by something, someone. Most people start out by copying the music they like, then branching out from there. But since he basically likes nothing (which I can't believe), what inspires him...that's all.


I mean if you really want a rundown, I can do it for you. Just because I'm not like, what, 67, it might not mean I have the same heroes as you. :p


I grew up playing classical piano and trumpet. Love me some Mozart and Rachmaninov. In J.H. I listened to a lot of heavier stuff, like Cannibal Corpse, Korn, White Zombie, Metallica, etc.. I got my first SRV CD when I was 17, and that's when I had a desire to play something electric so I got a guitar and bass, and learned a little of both. My church needed a bass player and I could already play some, so I started filling in. Did that before I went to college. Once there I still listened to a lot of blues, and started playing in a few rock bands. Then in the band I was in before this one, the singer got me into DMB, which totally changed my playing as it was actually fun to do that style and do lots of jam and bass 'n drums stuff. Then someone gave me a Cross Canadian Ragweed CD, and I got really into (still am) Texas country/rock stuff. Great music and that's the cover band I just joined pretty much. Perfect gig for what I listen to and my work/lifestyle schedule.



So as you can see, I'm very ignorant when it comes to music and like nothing, have zero taste, etc... Just because I don't suck on the teat of Bono or "get" the Beatles ramblings has {censored} to do with my knowledge and musical ability, thank you very much. :cool:

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Fair enough, but this isn't the first time you only list things you don't like. The Beatles aren't my favorite band btw...but I understand where they came from, what they did for music and things like that. I'm not so immature to just dismiss them with a childish "they suck". But hey, if you think they suck, say it loud, say it proud.

My main point of my post is that the only posts I've seen you write about is about bands you think suck. Such as:


I can see certain bands...but an entire decade? Then the flippant "name it, might be on the list..." kind of leads one to conclude you don't like anything...not just the Beatles, but anything.

So again, what DO you like. I'm curious now.



You're right. I don't know lots of old people who pop in a Maroon 5 or Nickelback or Pantera CD there my friend. It all has to do with eras. The whole "70's music" thing doesn't appeal to me at all. So what?

Why does that keep you up at nights?


(and see post above)

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I think companies are just going to start leaving the country if the tax system doesn't change. Corps are the ones that are going to be taxed out of the ass (more than they already do!) to pick up the slack for that kind of stuff.

They'll just pickup shop and head somewhere else. We live in a borderless world nowadays anyhow.

I remember reading all the scathing stuff about Haliburton when they picked up and moved. How they were just doing it to "evade" US taxes and all that noise. Well, gee, ya think?
Smartest move any large corp has ever made. Working in "the industry" like I do, I'd be fed up too with these IRS and SEC and wtf-ever bozos giving me grief everyday.

I thought your standard line was that companies don't pay taxes?

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I mean if you really want a rundown, I can do it for you. Just because I'm not like, what, 67, it might not mean I have the same heroes as you.

I grew up playing classical piano and trumpet. Love me some Mozart and Rachmaninov. In J.H. I listened to a lot of heavier stuff, like Cannibal Corpse, Korn, White Zombie, Metallica, etc.. I got my first SRV CD when I was 17, and that's when I had a desire to play something electric so I got a guitar and bass, and learned a little of both. My church needed a bass player and I could already play some, so I started filling in. Did that before I went to college. Once there I still listened to a lot of blues, and started playing in a few rock bands. Then in the band I was in before this one, the singer got me into DMB, which totally changed my playing as it was actually fun to do that style and do lots of jam and bass 'n drums stuff. Then someone gave me a Cross Canadian Ragweed CD, and I got really into (still am) Texas country/rock stuff. Great music and that's the cover band I just joined pretty much. Perfect gig for what I listen to and my work/lifestyle schedule.

So as you can see, I'm very ignorant when it comes to music and like nothing, have zero taste, etc... Just because I don't suck on the teat of Bono or "get" the Beatles ramblings has {censored} to do with my knowledge and musical ability, thank you very much.


Hey, I'm cool with it. Sing it brother. But you seem to be pissed off about it somehow. Like you're going out of your way to say stuff like "suck on the teat of Bono" (which is a great line btw). You're almost militant about it. Why so pissed off about bands? Sick of others saying how great they are?


Oh, and I'm 45, not 67. :D


Also, I apologize...this has gone WAY off topic. Can we both agree to not liking Ted Nugents music at least? :D

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I thought your standard line was that companies don't pay taxes?


Depends on their tax situation and accountant, smartass. :p I wasn't aware of my "standard line", but you must have it written down or something. :)



An S-corp does not, as all profits (and losses) flow through to the members. LLC's are the same way.


A C-corp does, if it has a profit. A loss carries over to the next year. Depending on what expenditures they have, and how they can distribute any pre-tax profits will play largely into account to if they start at the 15% bracket or go up... If you have enough "say so" of your corp and can adjust accordingly payroll and bonuses, etc., then that's just good tax planning.

But not everyone has it, and not everyone can just "give away" millions and billions in profit. Haliburton would be one of them.

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Hey, I'm cool with it. Sing it brother. But you seem to be pissed off about it somehow. Like you're going out of your way to say stuff like "suck on the teat of Bono" (which is a great line btw). You're almost militant about it. Why so pissed off about bands? Sick of others saying how great they are?

Oh, and I'm 45, not 67.

Also, I apologize...this has gone WAY off topic. Can we both agree to not liking Ted Nugents music at least?


I'm not the one getting defensive about the words "suck" and "boring" - you seem to be! :p

It just holds no interest. I can vaguely see why people like them, but not a whole bunch. It all is very poppy and repetitive, much like U2 for that matter.


And hellz no- Nuge rocks it! :cool:

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