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Video clip: Ric, tube amps, biamping, fuzz, oh my!

Fiery Furnace

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Here's a little clip I did while I have my rig (and then some) at home after a big show last night.


This clip features my Rickenbacker 4001, Guild Quantum amp, my keyboardist's Bassman, Avatar cabs, and a (Jazz Ad recommended) Guyatone TZ2 Fuzz pedal.


I ran the Ric in stereo (sorry about the noise, I had to use poor quality cords cause all my good ones were mono!), with the bridge pickup going into the Guild, on the bottom, and into the Avatar 2x12, and the neck pickup going through the fuzz into the bassman and into the Avatar 2x10.


It starts with the clean Guild tone, then the fuzzy tone alone, then the two together.


Enjoy! (Don't mind the sloppy playing :D)


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Thanks! That little fuzz pedal is quite cheap, I think only around $60 or so?

It does sort of take over your tone when used alone, it's great in a biamp setting but it's kind of a pain to lug all that gear around :D

Plus it doesn't really work in clubs where the sound guy just gives you a DI box and moves on to the guitars :p

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At first it sounded too thin but when you engaged the neck pickup on the RIC it sounded much better.

The ideal distortion sound (IMO) comes from overdriving the amp and not from a pedal. It's good to run in stereo with one amp for full, deep, clear bottom and another amp (not as powerful) that you need to crank up to get the volume and overdrive. The problem is getting this in your bedroom for practicing or jamming.

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Thanks guys... it's a pretty underrated little pedal, and the Guild is a huge part of the sound, it's my secret weapon.


JeffBass I agree with you, but it's hard to get tube OD at bedroom levels like you said.

Live I push the Guild to the point of breakup so that I get a pretty sweet OD when I dig in, but you can't really get that fuzz tone even pushing the amps really hard.

The Bassman I found didn't have a sweet breakup at all, it was pretty flabby on it's own so that's why I used it for the fuzz channel, the Guyatone pretty much imposes over whatever natural amp tone you have :D

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Heh, you noticed bholder.


The pickups are Seymour Duncan replacements from the 70's. I don't know if you can see it in the video, but there are 2 toggle switches near the volume pots that switch between humbucking and single coil with a coil tap... lots of options!


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