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finding a band


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"Find a band you want to play in, talk to the band's leader after their set, criticize their show, and introduce yourself as "the greatest bass player in the world." Its worked before."

....This kinda happened to me before, there was a bass player who wanted one of my gigs so he got really friendly and close with one of the founding members of the band and talked all sorts of stuff...My friend sat me down and said they were kicking me out cause I was too funky...The guy is a good player and all but he likes to get WASTED at shows to the point where he can hardly play, The drummer told me a little while back that kicking me out was a horrible decision (he had no say in the matter) and wishes I was still with em...Oh well, too busy now!

...so yeah it happens.



Interesting. My first professional band kicked me out because I wasn't funky enough!

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got an audition sat afta with a band who needs a bassist love the songs they got on myspace going round for a jam at the lead guitarist house and then for a drink wid rest of the band in the evening.

im sooooo! nervous!



Learn to play their songs. Do it now.

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Another option I wanted to add. Write the music that YOU want to play and then invite others to come play with you. That way to can make sure to do music that you like AND have control over the people you spend your time, sweat, and money with.



Thats a good idea. Once work calms down, I think I will record all the crap I have written over the years. I doubt I will share it with anybody in person, but I am sure I will post it here.


I will probably go with Craigs list, because I am not too much of a social person, and I will try to join up with a few friends.


Thanks for the advice everybody, it has been helpful and encouraging.

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So I have been without a band since I started playing. Now (more than ever) I am antsy to get in one, but the problem is I am not to social, and am really quiet. Also I have little confidence in my playing abilities.

So a quick few questions:

1) Should I just start lookin on Craigs list, or something comparable?

2) Is there another site besides CL for this stuff?

3) Would it just be easier to scrounge around bars (I socialize better when I have the creature in me) and try to make friends (which I am not too good at)?

4) Open mic nights work?

I would really love to start gigging, so any advice is welcomed.




I was in a band (guitar) playing originals from 2003-2003, then I wasn't in a band again till last January, the leader was too bossy for my liking so I quit after about a month. I had found them on craigslist. I just recently joined a new band, playing bass, i met them on craigslist.


they seem really laid back, easy to get along with , not bossy and telling me what to play like my previous band. problem, they seem a little TOO laidback, like i hope we start playing out soon.


my social skills are about as bad as can possibly be without being classified as autistic. which is precisely why i like playing in bands, because otherwise i'd never get out or ever meet any people. in fact most of the friends i've had in my life are people i have met via music.


even if you are not confident in your abilities, you will eventually meet up with people in the same boat as you who have comparable skill levels.


Just don't be too upset if people don't call you back or if they don't want you, everyone gets rejected, eventually you will find the band who you are the perfect fit for. the current band i am in, i had corresponded with like 15 different bands on craigslist before finding my current one.

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First of all, C7 mentioned it earlier, but the correct time to join a band is the moment you get the instrument. If you think you won't be good enough . . . you won't. Doesn't matter if you've played for 30 minutes or 30 years. I have some friends in a cover band and their bass player is a girl who bought her first amp to go to their first practice. It was a little shaky at first, but now she fits perfectly with them and plays well, also.

Playing with friends can be fun, but you have to know beforehand that you all have the same goals/plans/etc for the band, because if you don't it is going to be a lot harder to leave when you have to. The best band I have ever been in was formed through craiglist. None of us knew each other before we started playing together. They are also 2 of my best friends now. If I was going to form a serious band, I would go that same route again. Find people who want to play what you want to play, form a band, and them make friends with them.

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they dnt have bass lines yet! he just has the guitar chords, and the order of the songs.

so im just trying to get my head around the chords, ppl think that this the rite way to go bout it?



Then write bass lines for them. Have at least an idea of what to play going in. Something beyond simply playing the root of the chords, unless that's what you think the song calls for.

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Don't waste your energy worrying about anything. Just turn up, play and enjoy yourself. Unless they are a highly polished function band, lack of expensive kit and lack of experience shouldn't count for anything at his stage. The first time I played a bass was my first band practice. I turned up with a borrowed Sunn bass and plugged into the clean channel of the guitarist's combo. (I did play a bit of guitar before which helped). That was only 8 years ago and bass is now a 2nd income that helps pay the bills.

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To answer one of your questions; yes, open mic nights can work.

But you have to get out of your shell, one way or another. If you can chat here, you can chat in person. It may be very hard to see that (I was a painfully shy kid, so I know) but it's true. Learn to ask questions and listen to the answers. You'll get a reputation for being a great listener, and that will not at all hurt with the ladies...so there's a bonus round!!




As I read your 1st post, 1st thing that came to mind is that you HAVE to have confidence in yourself.

Playing live is about performers connecting with their audience. Otherwise, people would much rather hire DJ's for le$$. To do that you must have confidence in yourself.

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After practicing a little and learning some basic patterns, I started tagging along with my father to blues jams at local bars and restaurants. They were a cheap option for the establishments, since they only had to give us a space to play to get us in there (the free drink coupons were a bonus), so there were at least a couple every week that I could go to. I was kinda shaky at first but I was young, cute, and female so everyone was very supportive. Things started dieing down just before I left town for college and I haven't heard of any jams in the area so I've gotten a bit out of practice. It's not as much fun playing by myself as it is with people.


But if all you guys are right about bass players being in high demand, then I'm thinking I could get an okay response putting some notices around campus that I'm looking for people to play with. And maybe if enough of us are interested we can talk a local establishment into either hiring us to play or at least giving us a place to jam.

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After practicing a little and learning some basic patterns, I started tagging along with my father to blues jams at local bars and restaurants. They were a cheap option for the establishments, since they only had to give us a space to play to get us in there (the free drink coupons were a bonus), so there were at least a couple every week that I could go to. I was kinda shaky at first but I was young, cute, and female so everyone was very supportive. Things started dieing down just before I left town for college and I haven't heard of any jams in the area so I've gotten a bit out of practice. It's not as much fun playing by myself as it is with people.

But if all you guys are right about bass players being in high demand, then I'm thinking I could get an okay response putting some notices around campus that I'm looking for people to play with. And maybe if enough of us are interested we can talk a local establishment into either hiring us to play or at least giving us a place to jam.


Odds are that you'll get better than an okay response. Bass players are almost always in demand.

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soz to keep posting

but im sooooo! happy to be in a band at last! if im honest i think im the least established on my instrument but hey im gonna get a load better and work alot harder!!!!!

how you guys rite basslines? at the moment im just playing roots woth a few 5ths in there? and im thinking i could get a few bluesy solos in there?

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