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Huge Gig Tomorrow


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that bigass rig on the left?

the festival supplied a backline?



Yeah to both.


The City of Chicago sponsored the event. All I had to do was walk on stage and play. Though I carried my bass/pedalboard on stage, I didn't have to. The had a bunch of stage hands eagerly helping us. They picked up our gear from our cars in the parking lot, delivered them to the stage and then returned everything to our cars afterward.


The last time we played a CoC event, I played through an Ampeg SVT and a fridge.


Still...it was total overkill. I could have EASILY played that gig with either of my GB heads and the Neo 212.

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I took these two pics before the gig. I don't have any other pics yet though I'm sure someone took pictures that were there.


This is looking stage left. That's Soldier Field in the background.


I thought this was a cool picture. This is looking at the back corner of the stage. The cars you see are on Lake Shore Drive.

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Playing through such a legendary amp like that and you didn't pay attention?!


I thought it was a 400 as I recall the far two right knobs saying something like 100w and 300w. I'm guessing that has something to do with biamping. Again, I don't know. I just tuned up, plugged in, and played. I didn't even touch the settings other than the volume.

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