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Best election wishes from Canucklestan.


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And it's clearly working
well for them.


OT: You should bump your White Zombie threads and tell us how it's going. I saw a kid wearing a WZ tee shirt when I was out running today. I thought instantly of you...and Sean, of course. :D

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OT: You should bump your White Zombie threads and tell us how it's going. I saw a kid wearing a WZ tee shirt when I was out running today. I thought instantly of you...and Sean, of course.


It's not really going ATM. I'm learning songs now, that's about it. Been shopping around for stickers for the bass when I eventually find the right one. My roommate has hinted at wanting to be the guitarist, so we'll see if that pans out. A coworker says he knows a singer that might be in, but I don't want to meet with him until I have at least half the set worked out with at least the guitarist, even better if it's with a drummer too.


I'll be the weak link in the band, so I need to give myself a big head start and have most things in order before bringing in others.


The hardest part is probably going to be in figuring out where half the samples came from, then making the backing tracks that we'll play too.

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It's not really going ATM. I'm learning songs now, that's about it. Been shopping around for stickers for the bass when I eventually find the right one. My roommate has hinted at wanting to be the guitarist, so we'll see if that pans out. A coworker says he knows a singer that might be in, but I don't want to meet with him until I have at least half the set worked out with at least the guitarist, even better if it's with a drummer too.

I'll be the weak link in the band, so I need to give myself a big head start and have most things in order before bringing in others.

The hardest part is probably going to be in figuring out where half the samples came from, then making the backing tracks that we'll play too.



Cool. True about the samples. There is a lot of stuff that goes on in the background of a WZ song. It'll be fun trying to figure it out, though. I couldn't imaging even being able to start without Google and YouTube, though. :D


You should get Rainn Wilson to play drums. :idea:

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Cool. True about the samples. There is a lot of stuff that goes on in the background of a WZ song. It'll be fun trying to figure it out, though. I couldn't imaging even being able to start without Google and YouTube, though.

You should get Rainn Wilson to play drums.


Some things are obvious (movie sample in middle breakdown sections and song intros) even if the movie themselves aren't. But their production is SO dense with just noises and sounds in general that it will be impossible to duplicate fully. I'd be happy if I can at least nail down the main things.


And yeah, Google is about to become my best friend when I start getting into the sequencing.


The Rainn Wilson reference is totally lost on me. I had to Wiki him to even know who he was, and there was no music references in any form on the page.

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i agree that the person with the most votes should win. i also think it's a travesty that the "presidential debates" only feature the 2 majority parties in the race, leaving america to wonder if there's any other choice for the office. there are lots of things that i'd love to see changed.


it doesn't change the FACT that this is the best country on the planet to live in and that we have the best democratic system in existence. so yes. i think it's working very well for us. but it could work better.

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Forum rules prevent me from addressing your post. Nice to know you.



why would 'forum rules' prevent 2 people from having a simple discussion and prevent you from answering me?


unless you were about to reply with a childish bash of a post in which case, it wasn't all that nice to know you.

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i didn't say it wasn't flawed. i asked if you can name a single country that does it better than we do. don't change the friggin question.


Canada, England, France, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Israel... Shall I continue?


After what happened in 2000 you have no right to make that statement, and if Renfield won't answer you then I will. You guys have easily the MOST flawed system, and it's not even democratic! Democracy = one person, one vote. What you have is one person, one vote, and then a bunch of other people deciding who won regardless of votes. Now go away until you get spoon-fed a clue by the grand American media machine, you lemming. You're boring and this is the only troll-feeding I will be taking part in today. :bor::blah:

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Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy.

England is a Constitutional Monarchy.

France...also not truly democratic since the Prime Minister is appointed by the president. this decision is often forced by the parlimentary majority if they are a different party than the president.

Holland (aka The Netherlands) has a constitutional Monarchy.


so far these are all fine examples of democratic countries, especially since 3 of the 4 include the word MONARCH (= king...decidedly not democratic) in them.


Sweeden...another constitutional monarchy.

Denmark...constitutional monarchy.


so please, now that you're done berating me and calling me names because i believe in my political system, tell me how all of these countries have a better democratic process than the US. when they have monarchs and appointed Prime Ministers.


it seems as though these may not be the perfect democratic examples that you insisted they were.


After 2000? I voted and therefore have every right to say what i want to say about our political system. i participate in it.


oh yeah, your 'definition' of democracy isn't exactly spot-on either. according to the on-line Mirriam Webster dictionary:



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When the person with the most votes doesn't win it's a flawed system.



Incorrect. The system was built the way it is to keep city dwellers (NY, LA, SF, CHicago) from running rough-shod over farming states (lower population density). It's a hoot every time some fool from a big "blue" state wants to secede from the union, they forget this. Even California has two big cities (blue) awash in a sea of red. They never seem to explore where they're going to get food and electricity.

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it doesn't change the FACT that this is the best country on the planet to live in
and that we have the best democratic system in existence. so yes. i think it's working very well for us. but it could work better.



Well, twelfth best according to the UN rankings... but you know, that's pretty good I guess.


And just to address your other post on the Constitutional Monarchys, the Queen has basically no power in Canada. Sure there are still things on paper, but if she ever chose to exercise them, there would be huge public outcry and it would never go through.


And, Prime Ministers are not appointed as you stated. They are elected democratically - in England too.

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