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How much should I charge a small club to rent my amp?


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Yeah, but it's the bar owner that's asking for a favor - odds are he already told the visiting band he'd take care of this detail - if I trusted him enough to make good on any damage that might occur, I'd hook him up for free - if I didn't, I wouldn't do it...



That's exactly why told him to charge a refundable deposit. If the amp comes back fine, you hand the owner his deposit back and he's not out anything. If it gets beaten up somewhat, at least you're covered for something.

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Unless the club owner is family, no way would would I 'gratis' any of my hard earned gear!



I'm planning to let a bassist use my whole rig for a show soon. He's sick of his Mesa gear and really loves my rig's tone, but I want him to give it a thorough test-drive on stage. I'll help him set up, get his gain settings, and let him play. No better way for a poor guy with a tight budget to learn more about gear, than to just play it.


I got no problem with him using it for free. I'm even lugging it to the gig for him. I wanna help him get better tone. He's a fantastic player, but needs to find his sound. And I'm more than excited to help him!

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If you are on good terms with the club and they have always been good to you, then I would agree with most above that loaning them your amp is little trouble for you, and can only improve your relationship with the club and the touring band. All I would say is to be sure the owner is a sound person, and will right any damage that could happen.

Free admission and a few drinks or whatever wouldn't be out of the question ;)

If you think about it from the bands view, a lot of us know how tough touring can be, all the costs and problems that appear, so to have a solid amp waiting at the show for you is one less worry and makes your day a bit easier without rentals and carting around bulky equipment.

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Unless the club owner is family, no way would would I 'gratis' any of my hard earned gear!




I dunno, dude - I've done fly-in/out of town gigs before with a provided backline, and also let out of towners use my gear before, in a reverse of that situation... Those sort of arrangements aren't all that uncommon - but it also depends on each and every situation, and as always - it's up to the gear owner's descretion... In this particular situation, I'd loan one of my bass heads - it's not like you could hurt it, like you could a cab... As a matter of fact, if anyone on HCBF was in my area, and they needed it, I'd probably loan them gear for a gig - but that's just how I am...



- georgestrings

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