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Everything posted by yem

  1. Since you mentioned that it had a headstock repair, it seems like a good idea to show a few pictures of the repaired area. As it is, one can only imagine. Slave, if you don't mind....
  2. So close. Mine has a maple board. Nice SG. The only trade I would consider would be an American stratocaster with 3-tone burst and rosewood fretboard. I had been looking at something like this: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://di1.shopping.com/images1/pi/a7/2e/de/49723200-300x300-0-0_ESP%2BEsp%2BVintage%2BPlus%2BDistressed%2B3TSB.jpg&imgrefurl=http://uk.shopping.com/xPO-ESP-Esp-Vintage-Plus-Distressed-3TSB&usg=__15J9hUdLuUPZmcCSFHoqwjnvmlg=&h=300&w=300&sz=9&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=djN-PgFsm-eThM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Desp%2Bvintage%2Bplus%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4DKUS_enUS238US238%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 Then I would give the rest of the money to him.
  3. He is a great player. Personally, I have been Warren-ed out since Bonnaroo 2002 when we played nearly every set. Ha!
  4. CavPilot quickly paid and was responsive to my PMs. Good deal. Thanks.
  5. $100 + Opto Stomp =? Vexter Fuzz Factory
  6. are you lookin for anything in particular as far as trades? Hello JDR, A trade up (I'd add cash) to a Peterson StoboStomp tuner or fuzz would be cool but I'm open to suggestions.
  7. SOLD For trade is my BBE Opto Stomp (Optical Compressor) Pedal. It is in very good shape and works perfectly with guitars and basses. It is transparent (your sound is compressed without added color) and has a true bypass switch for when you turn it off (though you might never do so). It comes with the original box, documentation (manual included), and power adapter. I'm primarily interested in trades but will ship it to you for $65.
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