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Fewer Than 4 in 10 Believe in Evolution


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Yes, because it's so abundantly clear from the title of the book that the subject matter addresses the creation question.


If you don't understand the connection between complexity and origin of life, then there's little point in discussing it further.

You asked for references, I gave you one that addresses the specific question at hand. You look at the title and reject it outright before even trying to under stand it? That's what deserves a :facepalm:

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I agree with Darwin. I don't believe that a book 2000 years old can have any sort of answer to such issues.



I agree...


It's a good thing that the parts about the beginning of the world are around 3000 years old...That extra thousand years of marination is what makes the various flavors really kick once you put it on the grill...nice and spicy


And, as we all know, whoever controls the spice, controls the universe...





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If you don't understand the connection between complexity and origin of life, then there's little point in discussing it further.

You've got to be {censored}ing kidding me.


SO let's just say I'm the moron you've made me out to be.

How about explaining this connection you speak of to all of the other posters here.

In fact, why not explain this connection to the world at large - you might just win a Nobel Prize for your efforts.


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If you don't understand the connection between complexity and origin of life, then there's little point in discussing it further.

LanEvo is GOD - he has all of the answers, but we are too stupid to understand, so they will have to revealed to the heathens in due time.

FAIL. :facepalm:

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I enjoy a good read just like the next guy. Taking a book which was translated into english 500 years ago from stone tablets written in a different language with a 1500+ year old dialect, and has since been re-written into "plain english" in more than 100+ various editions which each differ slightly in the exact wording doesn't exactly give me the feeling of the ultimate truth... my 2cents of course.... YMMV....

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I honestly don't know what's going on here.

I said the question of how was life created boils down to the question of complexity and how it originates.


And everyone else is asking you to elaborate.


Don't fall back on that jive-ass "Read a book" bull{censored}.


You have read the book - you have presented yourself as the "expert" in this field; therefore it is incumbent on YOU to provide more details to support your claims.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and so far you have provided none.


And that crystal formation thing - guess what, even I, the MORON, have seen and conducted that experiment, yet I don't see anyone making the leap from an observation of natural laws to the creation question.

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I said the question of how life was created boils down to the question of complexity and how it originates.


Are you talking about the amino acids in the primordial ooze, stimulated by lightning and therefore leading to the formation of RNA?


Yeah, that's pretty old news but stick to the topic - evolution vs. creation.


They aren't mutually exclusive, as previously stated - apples and oranges my friend.

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And everyone else is asking you to elaborate.

Don't fall back on that jive-ass "Read a book" bull{censored}.


And that crystal formation thing - guess what, even I, the MORON, have seen and conducted that experiment, yet I don't see anyone making the leap from an observation of natural laws to the creation question.

When and where did he refer to or even suggest that you are a moron?

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Are you talking about the amino acids in the primordial ooze, stimulated by lightning and therefore leading to the formation of RNA?

Yeah, that's pretty old news but stick to the topic - evolution vs. creation.

They aren't mutually exclusive, as previously stated - apples and oranges my friend.



As in.....who or what created the primordial ooze, or for that matter the universe in the first place?


They are not mutually exclusive, becuase science does not have the answers to all of these questions.

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Are you talking about the amino acids in the primordial ooze, stimulated by lightning and therefore leading to the formation of RNA?

No. I'm talking about how something like an amino acid itself forms. And how a molecule may catalyze its own production. RNA is already a highly complex organic molecule. It's very far down the line.


Maybe we can take up this discussion after you cool out a bit. If you want serious answers, you'll have to stop with the cursing and other verbal abuse. This is a very interesting topic, but I'm not going to enter a debate with someone who is only interested in bullying.

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When and where did he refer to or even suggest that you are a moron?

Laugh all you want - that tactic is bull{censored}.

HE's the expert - HE'S read the book - HE'S making claims.

Why can't HE explain this subject better?

He didn't have to say or suggest I'm a moron - I'm making that judgement myself.

Note that I'm not the only one in this thread that has no idea where he is coming from....:idea:

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Can I sig that?

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! :D

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