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this point is moot because i dont smoke anymore.

and when i did. i live with 3 non smokers - none of whom would have any issue whatsoever informing me of any stench i carried.


If I had a hot roommate I wouldn't ruin my chances at anything by telling her she stunk, either... :lol:

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If I had a hot roommate I wouldn't ruin my chances at anything by telling her she stunk, either...

I would. But I'm weird like that. :wave: I'd rather have a non-smelly roommate than a "chance." Besides, it's a great opportunity to point out that she needs a shower. ;)

FBC, BHK ... good job thus far! You're past the hardest part, in fact - the physical side effects should be subsided and now it's just a matter of breaking the habit for good. :) When you want a cigarette in your hands, replace it with a bass, or a gun! Or, y'know, whatever fun object happens to be around. :D

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I would. But I'm weird like that.
I'd rather have a non-smelly roommate than a "chance." Besides, it's a great opportunity to point out that she needs a shower.


Oh come now, I was (somewhat) kidding, have a laugh. I'm generally a pretty brutally honest person; I'd have no problem telling her she stinks. Then again, chicks tend to dig the whole asshole thing anyways, so I never worry about turning any away with my remarks :D

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I speak the truth, my friend.

Oh come now, I was (somewhat) kidding, have a laugh. I'm generally a pretty brutally honest person; I'd have no problem telling her she stinks. Then again, chicks tend to dig the whole asshole thing anyways, so I never worry about turning any away with my remarks

It's too late to turn back now. You wussed out in front of the whole forum. :( My image of you is forever shattered and can never be repaired. Children are crying; innocence is dying. RIVERS OF BLOOD WILL RAIN DOWN ON YOU!!! :mad:

I think I got a little off-topic there at the end of the paragraph, but you know what I mean.

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It's too late to turn back now. You wussed out in front of the whole forum.
My image of you is forever shattered and can never be repaired. Children are crying; innocence is dying. RIVERS OF BLOOD WILL RAIN DOWN ON YOU!!!

I think I got a little off-topic there at the end of the paragraph, but you know what I mean.

See? Told you I was an asshole. :D

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Seem like more of an emo'ish title to me, but I'm good with it either way.


:( Fine. I'll leave you out of it and name it River of Bloody Rain or something equally nonsensical. I haven't tried to write a metal song before, so this'll probably suck (duh). :D

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Nah; that's TOO bad.
I'm thinking Metalocalypse bad as far as titles go, not Lug bad.

Of course, the music will be closer to Lug than Dethklok, but whatever.

You should write Outlaw Ramblin 2

Blood ocean... is... an ocean of blood... I wonder... how many drops... are in a blood ocean.... I KNOW WHO YOU AAAAAARE!

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