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Westboro Baptist Church is coming to my old high school on the 30th!

der oxenrig

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Which coincidentally is Michael Phelps' alma mater as well (no relation to Fred Phelps (I hope)).


From the WBC Website:



Towson High School - God Is Dealing With Your Brats! 69 Cedar Avenue What is the matter with these parents and adults who sit on the sidelines and allow this school to have a "Diversity Club" and a "GSA"? Do you think God does not see what is happening with you rebels? You are each and all in big trouble because you insist that we come and speak with you. SHAME! Psalm 2:1

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I could have some fun with them:D


I wish I could say the same, and I could MEAN to have good natured fun at their expense to start... But I know myself too well. I'm way too opinionated and strong willed of a person. I would get myself into some serious trouble around them :facepalm:

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I wish I could say the same, and I could MEAN to have good natured fun at their expense to start... But I know myself too well. I'm way too opinionated and strong willed of a person. I would get myself into some serious trouble around them



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I wish I could say the same, and I could MEAN to have good natured fun at their expense to start... But I know myself too well. I'm way too opinionated and strong willed of a person. I would get myself into some serious trouble around them


All you have to do is think of the sickest {censored} you can involving Jesus:D

You don't insult them you insult their religion and I guarantee you get into their heads.


How about a Gay Jesus carrying a cross with big hot pink dildo's instead of nails?? You know, burn a few bibles.... get creative. You'll probably piss off everyone doing this though:D




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They are the Patriot Guard.


A family friend was recently KIA in Afghanistan and was lain to rest at Arlington National Cemetary a week ago Monday. There were rumors that the wackos from Westboro were going to be at the private memorial service a week prior in MD. Luckily they didn't show but the Patriot Guard Riders did :thu:


RIP Bubba.

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A family friend was recently KIA in Afghanistan and was lain to rest at Arlington National Cemetary a week ago Monday. There were rumors that the wackos from Westboro were going to be at the private memorial service a week prior in MD. Luckily they didn't show but the Patriot Guard Riders did

RIP Bubba.




i'm a novice rider but am totally willing to be a member of that if they come here.

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A family friend was recently KIA in Afghanistan and was lain to rest at Arlington National Cemetary a week ago Monday. There were rumors that the wackos from Westboro were going to be at the private memorial service a week prior in MD. Luckily they didn't show but the Patriot Guard Riders did

RIP Bubba.


It's kind of sad that we're at the point where I don't even hear about this {censored} anymore. I am literally 1/2 mile from that cemetery and didn't notice there was a ceremony going on. :(

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i'm a novice rider but am totally willing to be a member of that if they come here.


There were 4 memorial services over a period of about a week and the Patriot Riders were there in force for all of them.

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It's kind of sad that we're at the point where I don't even hear about this {censored} anymore. I am literally 1/2 mile from that cemetery and didn't notice there was a ceremony going on.


They do 27 services each day. :cry:


I was on the grounds for a little over an hour and heard 5 different 21 guns salutes.



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They do 27 services each day.

I was on the grounds for a little over an hour and heard 5 different 21 guns salutes.



I don't know if I'm more ashamed of myself or national media in general.


I am also not sure if I'm more sorry for your own personal loss or the nations loss of value of a life.

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holy {censored} that is horrible



Thanks guys. He was a special person and will be dearly missed by everyone that knew him.


There were 500 people at his funeral at Arlington. It was an amazing experience, but not one that I ever want to go through again.

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