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Maybe a Dumb Question


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I have never understood this. I see guys that buy a QSC power amp and rack it with what I am assuming is a preamp, tuner, power conditioner, and a compressor. Why would you do all that instead of just buying a bass head?:confused: Please explain it.:rolleyes:

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A head is usually a power amp and a preamp. If you go the pre/power way (QSC, Pre, etc.), you'd have more flexibility. Suppose you want more power? A lighter amp? A different pre? It's kind of like a combo amp opposed to a head/cab set up. Why would you do that? Flexibility.



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I had very nice QSC 3402 for a while and had I think either 4-5 different pres for those few years as well as a nice late 60's dbx compressor and a graphic EQ at one time.

All about options, and usually you can do it in about half the weight if you pick your setup right.


Some say you sacrifice your "toanez" by going this way, but if you DI out of the preamp anyway, it's the same difference.


My faves were-

Aguilar DB659->QSC-> Whappo

Demeter VTBP-201s-QSC->Schroeder 410R



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Some people love to have a chock full of effects and toys in their rack, and like the sound of certain preamps over others, and want serious horsepower amps as opposed to the strength of most all-in-one amp heads.


Me, I just want the simplest amp with the least bells and whistles. Too busy playing to worry about all the effects and tweaks and flexibility.


It really is a personal choice, on what you need to get your sound and your tricks into one package.

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I wish more manufacturers put out pre's. It would be much easier to customize a rig and match it to your needs. You will generally only need to be so loud... You can keep your power amp, and just swap out for a new pre. You just have to worry about tone and extra features, rather than trying to worry about power as well.


It's also easier to ship around and trade a single pre than constantly swapping heavy heads like some of us do.

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I wish more manufacturers put out pre's. It would be much easier to customize a rig and match it to your needs. You will generally only need to be so loud... You can keep your power amp, and just swap out for a new pre. You just have to worry about tone and extra features, rather than trying to worry about power as well.

It's also easier to ship around and trade a single pre than constantly swapping heavy heads like some of us do.


The almighty Mesa/Boogie Bass Triaxis that almost was... :cry::cry::cry:

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Thanks everyone. That is what I figured, I was just verifying my suspicions.



For me, it was weight consideration. Until I discovered my Genz Benz Shuttle, I used a Sansamp pre - amp hooked to a Crown XTI 1000. The Crown delivers 1000 watts of perfectly clean power and weighs 17 lbs. How many 1000 watt bass heads can come close to 17 lbs. Not many.

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For those seeking flexibility - MarkBass's MoMark series.


Completely modular. You start with your choice of power amp (which is also the housing for the whole thing), then pick from a whole bunch of different preamps, EQ sections, and master sections. Mix and match however you want. Change out sections at will by just snapping bits in/out. Pretty cool.


They were showing off "almost ready" versions at NAMM this year and the word was they were supposed to be ready for market maybe by Musikmesse (which just happened). I haven't followed up, but if they haven't started shipping yet, they should be doing so shortly in theory.



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That looks like that Randall guitar head that had different modules (preamp channels). Not a bad idea but it was way too expensive at like 150 bones a preamp and something ridiculous for the amp.




I play in a band with two guitarists who both have Randall Lynch Boxes. One of them has at least 7 or 8 of the preamps. Look like old-style car radios.


Obviously, they didn't buy new, and I don't think they've paid more than $100 for any preamp.

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Yeah, it's just another choice. You can pack a lot more power into a power amp that costs $600 than you can find any head for that money.


Running larger, multi-cabinet stage setups is easier, since both sides of the amp can run a few cabs (good amps may be good to 2 ohms.)


I've never been one for a big complicated rig, I like my combo with 4 EQ knobs. may look into a G-B. another take on this option is that Bag End is making powered boxes, so you could have a rack with your wireless, preamp, comp, and no need for a power amp....

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For me, it was weight consideration. Until I discovered my Genz Benz Shuttle, I used a Sansamp pre - amp hooked to a Crown XTI 1000. The Crown delivers 1000 watts of perfectly clean power and weighs 17 lbs.

How many 1000 watt bass heads can come close to 17 lbs. Not many.


Shuttle Max 12.0... 1200 watts, dual preamps, and only 6-3/4 lbs. Perhaps a better question is "how many seperates can come close to this"? In fact, the power amps are seperately accessable and can be linked to provide 2400 watts (into 4 x 4 ohm cabinets) in a 13-1/2 lb package, still under your XTi. ;)

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