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Rogue Fretless Bass

Sharp Teeth

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I've been considering picking one up. I know they're not the most esteemed craftsmen out there, but I was going to consider it to be a bit more of a toy than an instrument with a purpose in mind. And I mean, I already own a Fender Jaguar, so I don't feel like I should drop a buttload of cash on another nice guitar.

So, tell me... am I going to be horribly disappointed? Or might it actually be a decent guitar that just needs a couple upgrades here or there? Should I even bother?

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Yeah, I have an old '88 Squier back home. I was thinking about selling it for a little bit extra cash, but modding it out would be a fun project.

However, what takes more wear-and-tear--a defretted neck, or a neck which was built to be fretless? I might just want to say screw it and buy a fretless neck, right?

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So I looked up the price of a fretless neck. They don't even have "Fender" stamped on the head, and they're at prices between $150 - $250. I may as well just buy a new fretless Squier... Or defret my current one.

So what are the disadvantages to having a defretted bass?

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