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Madden Retires


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My favorite Madden moments...


Drawing a picture of a hole opening up with lines going through the O & D lines and a circle around the middle linebacker. Totally looked like a penis.


Talking about the 'A' gap and 'B' gap and how running backs are taught to run. Then he said, "...and [Eggerin] James took it right up the A-hole."


Neither of those top when Dan Dierdorf farted on air. That was awesome.


FWIW, Keith Jackson will forever be the greatest football announcer of all time. I shod a tear when he called it quits.

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That's sad, but it has been time for a while. At least his inane comments gave me some time to vent at the TV, even if the team was winning...I guess that's no more.


You know, the last few years he has gotten into this habit of repeating himself, and I suspect he might have a slight bit of dementia.


I saw a game last season in which he did his usual thing,with the chalkboard and said something like this (paraphrasing):


See now the qb has got to do the seven step drop to avoid the pass rush. If he avoids the pass rush, not only will he not get tackled, but he won't end up on the ground under the pass rush. So it's up to him not to get tackled, or else the pass rush will get him.


Yeah.......it's time!

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Like him or hate him, he's still much better than a lot of the talent that's out there now. Who would you rather hear, Joe Buck?

Joe Buck is a play-by-play announcer. Joh Madden is/was an analyst. Not a proper analogy. Dan Dierdorf, Phil Simms, Tim Green, Troy Aikman, Moose Johnston, Boomer Esiaison are analysts.

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You gotta respect a guy who can call the obvious during the game, and then switch gears and hawk athlete's foot spray during the breaks. The guy's multi-talented, I tell ya!!


I'll miss him. I happen to love the Capt Obvious style of analysis and commentary. He was the Phil Rizzuto of football (only Yankees fans will know this, sorry) and it was fun laughing at his gaffs and appreciating his true insights and wisdom.

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