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I got some gassin' goin on


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This is actually in regards to a gas from the past.


I fell in love with a certain telecaster.




I bought it on credit.


I wrote a song about it tonight. As of last week I don't have a real job anymore, so I will have more time to hassle the HCBF.:)


I'm sure that some of you will relate.


Check it out. It's the first song.







BTW. I know I'm an ass.


Some of you might still think that I am a troll, or an alt. I am really just an ass though.

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I still lust for a G&l Bluesboy semi-hollow I played in WIsconsin about 4 years ago. Humbucker in the neck position, maple neck, beautiful orange translucent finish. Plugged it into a Deluxe reverb, and man... I sat there and played for over an hour. I must not have sucked, cuz nobody said anything :)

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check out his Mii on the screen

nice guitar


It's actually not my mii, but you can tell what kind of high class gigs I play during the week. The only thing I got in the tip jar that night was used pieces of nicotine gum.

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