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Jesus should be banned for dying for your off-topic sins at the PDX GTG


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Lug sucks. (but has great taste in vehicles)

BOALG is God's gift to the trolling community.

Peanut butter apparently goes well with EVERYTHING.

Bonoman hates us, but Yubby lubs us.

Oldivor is still gone.


Did I forget anything? Oh yeah... Fenfer FTL.:facepalm:

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Lug sucks. (but has great taste in vehicles)

BOALG is God's gift to the trolling community.

Peanut butter apparently goes well with EVERYTHING.

Bonoman hates us, but Yubby lubs us.

Oldivor is still gone.

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah... Fenfer FTL.


You'll still need a preamp with that.

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