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Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device


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I don't have chronic back pain, but I do have occasional back pain. Lower back just kind of spasms, or backbone twist or some such nonsense. Sometimes it's event triggered (bend over wrong or something) and sometimes it just kinda creeps up over a few days.


It always seems to work itself out in a week or two, though. By the time I get to schedule an appointment at the chiropractor, it'll be mostly gone.


When I can get to the chiropractor quickly, the TENS treatment he gives me is more effective than any other manipulation.



Well, I'm having an episode right now and am considering buying one of these things. Anyone have any experience with these home TENS/EMS units?

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My sister has a lot of problems with Fibromyalgia, and has one of those units, and she swears by it. I have no idea which unit she has.


I had a lot of nerve damage when I blew out the 2 discs in my neck, and went with fusion then tons of therapy etc. The TENS therapy only seemed to make recovery worse for me.

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