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I guess I'm a bigot...


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FWIW, I was called a "gringo" and told that US citizens were all lazy.

From there it got ugly.



You remember it differently than it occurred. I can still see the thread and that's not an accurate account. It got ugly before you were called anything. In any case, both parties got banned and both parties deserved it. Time to move on - I'm sure you will.

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Well, I'm moving on. It's an ugly subject and it stirred up raw feelings.In all fairness, I would not have made the preceeding posts if I did not recall the exchange. I don't want to see it retrogress and I am not trying to paint a prettier picture than what it truly was, so PM me if you think there are discrepencies, or post the thread. I really like hanging with you guys and I accept full responsibility for what I said in the increasingly heated exchange I publicly had with the other member. This place is great and I broke my own rule about avoiding politics in discussion with friends, which you guys are, sorta, weirdly in a kind of 'I work with him' way.:)

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Thank you for putting a last word to it.;)


I will no longer defend myself. As insignificant as I am, I think the word will get around. (Just realizing how stupid this whole situation is and analyzing my last sentence...cringeworthy indeed.)


Thanks for the opportunity.


Hey Kindness, this can be deleted if you'd like. Thanks everyone.



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I believe folks that want to live in the USA should enter the country legally and those that entered illegally should be deported back to their own country.If that doesn't qualify me as a bigot don't know what more I have to do to get in the club :wave:.

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I believe folks that want to live in the USA should enter the country legally and those that entered illegally should be deported back to their own country.If that doesn't qualify me as a bigot don't know what more I have to do to get in the club


That doesn't qualify you as a bigot. And if you really want to go to banned camp, post some saucy pictures. The hammer will fall quickly.

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Ah, accusations of bigotry/racism - the last refuge of the political scoundrel.



Or the accurate observations regarding an individual making claims based on generalized and arbitrary racial characteristics rather than relevant and informed, specific information...


One or the other...

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Ok, lemme clear the air.

First off, nobody was called a Jew, WillSellOut.

I was banned for making a personal attack against one of our beloved bass buddies, for which now, I apologize. I, in my comments and posts, was simply stating an off topic feeling about closing the border to Mexico. This is something that I feel has many benefits, the only one actually reflected in my thread was the fact that we now have a near pandemic because of our policies with a country that cares more about the bribes of cartels than their publics healthcare. Of course, it was inflamatory, but so are lots of other threads here. Big woop.

A certain citizen of said country who gets props here on HCBF took offense and told me to STFU because his sources told him the first cases has started in the US.

I was offended and told him to EMS.

Miscommunication, whatever.

FWIW, I was called a "gringo" and told that US citizens were all lazy.

From there it got ugly.

I don't know if the other fellow was banned or not, but what I do know is that there were no personal attacks until I was told to STFU, and I stooped to his level in return. For the record, I never used a slang word against said forumite and whatever mod banned me should confirm this.

I should have known better than to post such an incendiary thread and I hope this clears me somewhat of the types of things I'm hearing (Getting that DAN?)





STFU!!!! ...er... I mean...



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