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Great day! Anyone else?


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We had a neighborhood garage sale. Neighbors from across the street joined up with me, so we had a decent showing put out. We did about $117 total, or about $65 for me. Hey, not bad! Moved stuff that was way too good to pitch, but I had no reason to hold on to. (AMVETS is going to get a call soon for some of the remainder. And the "free stuff" table at work is getting a drop or two.) Also had some of my prints and greeting cards out there. What the heck, if they sell, they sell, you know? Had a few people talk with me about the prints and take my card, and sold a few cards. All in all, not bad.


But my back is still a nuisance of a discomfort. Looks like beer and the couch this evening...

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Worked in the yard for a couple hours, took Harley the Lab from Hell to play group, noodled on he Dano for a bit, spent most of the afternoon on the deck drinking beer. I'm thinking it's going to be an early bed time for the Thump-Bunny. :D

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We had a neighborhood garage sale. Neighbors from across the street joined up with me, so we had a decent showing put out. We did about $117 total, or about $65 for me. Hey, not bad! Moved stuff that was way too good to pitch, but I had no reason to hold on to. (AMVETS is going to get a call soon for some of the remainder. And the "free stuff" table at work is getting a drop or two.) Also had some of my prints and greeting cards out there. What the heck, if they sell, they sell, you know? Had a few people talk with me about the prints and take my card, and sold a few cards. All in all, not bad.

But my back is still a nuisance of a discomfort. Looks like beer and the couch this evening...


Sounds like a good day Karl. :thu:


Me? I had a good one too!


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Sounds like a good day Karl.

Me? I had a good one too!





Yeah, I saw that... Right on!


Thinking of cabs? I was mightily impressed with Kindnessess'ss's version of the 15" + 6 " with the Em 3015LF, and his 100W big brother to the JMT45. Think I just might need to build one, after the boat, which is after the kitchen, which is after the JMT45 and Warmoth, which is after the business I gots to get done...

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It was the come down of two very hard weeks but I'm glad to see you had a good week.

You'll have to come down some weekend - I perfected my chili recipe tonight!!!! We'll hit Three Floyds and enjoy a nice bonfire.

Hell - I'll hit you up when I'm back in town!





Have a great time Kate!


Still wish I was going along, even if I couldn't get lucky. :p


Actually, it's the thought of running away from reality that's the best.

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Good deal Karl. I'm still down in Dallas for a few more days of simulator recurrent training and checkrides. Effin' sucks!



How are you on the dash-eight? You know 'bout them boot deicer thingies, right? "Go faster when they're on the O-N position" right??:poke:

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Worked all night--ran 'bout 500 or so miles--Eugene/Portland/Tacoma/Portland/Eugene, came home at 9 am, stayed up 'til about noon and slept 'til 7 pm. Took the Mrs. to pizza, watched some tube, and she's in bed while I'm up 'til about 6.30 am.

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I had a good time wearing shorts in public for the first time in years! I was walking outside in an attempt to make my legs closer to tan then they currently are. I think today I went from bright white to a very light ivory. Maybe someday, I'll make my way to cream.



Its good to have goals....

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Got up, weeded and mowed for about 4 hours, then went and bought a new project car....



Did you get that at Karl's garage sale? :D


I look at VW dune buggies and such on ebay sometimes. When I get a garage again I'll probably get one. I had 3 VW's long ago including a beetle convetible.


What year bug is that?

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Woke up and made pancakes for the little dude.

Took him to music class (drums).

Went to guitar center to buy junior sized drum sticks and another practice pad.

Picked up the gf and went to lunch at Wishbone.

Walked to the park and played with the neighborhood kids.

Rode bikes.

Walked to Schuba's to see Gustafer Yellowgold.

Ate dinner at our favorite Subway.

Came home and went through our bedtime routine.

Left gf at home as babysitter and met friend for second dinner.

Went to Bottom Lounge to see Indian, Krellis, A Storm of Light and Wolves in the Throne Room.

Came home and crashed.

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