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vocalists - specifically metal vocalists


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i need tips on screaming/growling.


my new band is currently a four piece. i've been asked/volunteered to assist the lead singer/screamer.


are there tips/tricks to being able to bring a growling scream up from the bowels of your nutsack without destroying your throat?

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When you say screaming, you talking about Howard Jones screaming, or Bruce Dickinson screaming?



As for the growling, I've found that when I growl it up, it sounds weird, but not evil enough. If I keep my tongue tucked right behind the gums at the roof of my mouth, then do it, it sounds much more indiscernable and t3h br00talz.


As for the higher stuff, you gotta learn your falsetto range, and then grit it up.

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When you breathe make sure it's your stomach that is expanding, not the top part of your chest. try to keep your upper body relaxed as much as possible or your will strain something.


There is no really way to scream and growl without hurting yourself, it's like rubbing a file along your vocal chords and will always do damage. However, you can follow the basic rules for singing and reduce your damage to minimum and still be able to perform weekend after weekend without getting nodes.


After a full night of singing, take the next day off. Treat your voice like you have a cold and try not to talk too much.


Good luck!:thu:


Listen to the videos, but mostly you will learn by trying it out on yourself. You will know what hurts and what seems like you can pull off for hours. Some can barely yell without hurting themselves and some can roar for hours. YMMV.

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In the context of Black Metal he is a very good frontman and he is probably my favorite vocalist in the genre. Too bad he lost a lot of credit for being gay.



Hat was better in Gorgoroth, and any of the Mayhem frontmen are better by far.

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When you breathe make sure it's your stomach that is expanding, not the top part of your chest. try to keep your upper body relaxed as much as possible or your will strain something.

There is no really way to scream and growl without hurting yourself, it's like rubbing a file along your vocal chords and will always do damage. However, you can follow the basic rules for singing and reduce your damage to minimum and still be able to perform weekend after weekend without getting nodes.

After a full night of singing, take the next day off. Treat your voice like you have a cold and try not to talk too much.

Good luck!

Listen to the videos, but mostly you will learn by trying it out on yourself. You will know what hurts and what seems like you can pull off for hours. Some can barely yell without hurting themselves and some can roar for hours. YMMV.



i don't plan to do much, honestly. there's a couple of parts in a couple of my new band's songs that i think need an accent, a screamy growly thing that the singer can't quite hit.


so we'll see.

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EDIT: as for screaming/growling. I tried it for a bit, just fooling around at home, and the next few days I could barely talk. Be careful.


Too bad he lost a lot of credit for being gay.


Never quite got that. If black metal is supposed to be so "against the grain" and satanic and all that crap, then why would the fans get caught up on something that the Christian Church mostly condemns? Woudln't it make more sense to accept the gays because its viewed as not a "Churchy" type thing. :idk:


I mean compare these 2 sentences...


Gaahl: I support burning churches...




Gaahl: I support burning churches, and I {censored} dudes.


Kinda like knocking out your opponent, and then taking a dump on em.

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i don't plan to do much, honestly. there's a couple of parts in a couple of my new band's songs that i think need an accent, a screamy growly thing that the singer can't quite hit.

so we'll see.


Then just give it a go and see what it feels like. :thu: start soft and add volume and grit as you go.







I just had a listen to Lamb of God. My old band Liquid Heather was almost exactly like that. Our singer Don used to try everything to keep himself from getting nodes. Honestly, I've seen him vomit blood more times than I care to share. My previous advice still stands though.

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Never quite got that. If black metal is supposed to be so "against the grain" and satanic and all that crap, then why would the fans get caught up on something that the Christian Church mostly condemns? Woudln't it make more sense to accept the gays because its viewed as not a "Churchy" type thing.

I mean compare these 2 sentences...

Gaahl: I support burning churches...


Gaahl: I support burning churches, and I {censored} dudes.

Kinda like knocking out your opponent, and then taking a dump on em.




I assumed that the majority of the dudes who are into and play the black metal stuff were gay. :idk:

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Then just give it a go and see what it feels like.
start soft and add volume and grit as you go.


I just had a listen to Lamb of God. My old band Liquid Heather was almost exactly like that. Our singer Don used to try everything to keep himself from getting nodes. Honestly, I've seen him vomit blood more times than I care to share. My previous advice still stands though.


Your singer was vomitting blood because of screaming?


This should never happen.


If it hurts, then you are doing something wrong. If you are losing your voice, then you are doing something wrong.


"professional screamers" who know what they are doing can scream for hours with little effect to their throat/vocal chords. Otherwise, there would be no way that ANY band could tour day to day, or even week to week and still have a lead singer worth anything.

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