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NBD in a 2.5 hours


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well, new to me, its a used one. but I've got some stuff in back room that's taking up space and gathering dust. I did the CL thing, and someone offered me some cash PLUS a bass. Nothing fancy, just an SX. But another bass is another bass :p especially when its for stuff I never use :]

pics tonight.

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Congrats! Always fun getting a new bass! Two days ago I got a Gretsch Broadkaster bass to add to my collection. I am thrilled, so I understand your situation.


oh my god, congrats Rob, theres NO way you can compare the excitement of getting a Gretsch to getting an SX, LOL.


Detox, yeah, lets hope he doesnt flake out since I have to drive 45 minutes to meet him.


Modman, I'm trading it for some old speakers that have been sitting in the back room for well over a year, had them on craigslist for the longest time asking 50 bucks for them. waited about 6 months, put them back on without a price in the barter section. The hardest part of the trade is going to be digging them out, LOL

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HAHAHAHA, change New Bass Day to NO Bass Day.

he did show up. so at least he didn't flake out. BUT, he told me it was a great bass, and it looked really good in the pics. Supposedly it "could use a set up" and that was it.

OH MY GOD. the frets were GREEN, literally green from corrosion, the body had gouges in it from who knows what, the pole pieces on the pickups didn't have any chrome on them anymore, just really deep rust, they were pitted really bad. the bridge had a butt load of rust on it, bubbled and peeling chrome all over it. The strings had rust all over them. The pickguard had several cracks in it. The "like new" Fender gig bag had nothing anywhere on it saying Fender, but it did have lots of stains on it. I told the guy that there was NO way this was the bass in the pics... and he tells me, "I didnt have any pics of it, so I found pics online of the same model. I didn't tell you because I didnt want you to judge me by this and think I was dishonest" THINK??? what a waste of gas :p oh well, at least it makes for a funny story, LOL

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HAHAHAHA, change New Bass Day to NO Bass Day.

he did show up. so at least he didn't flake out. BUT, he told me it was a great bass, and it looked really good in the pics. Supposedly it "could use a set up" and that was it.

OH MY GOD. the frets were GREEN, literally green from corrosion, the body had gouges in it from who knows what, the pole pieces on the pickups didn't have any chrome on them anymore, just really deep rust, they were pitted really bad. the bridge had a butt load of rust on it, bubbled and peeling chrome all over it. The strings had rust all over them. The pickguard had several cracks in it. The "like new" Fender gig bag had nothing anywhere on it saying Fender, but it did have lots of stains on it. I told the guy that there was NO way this was the bass in the pics... and he tells me, "I didnt have any pics of it, so I found pics online of the same model. I didn't tell you because I didnt want you to judge me by this and think I was dishonest" THINK??? what a waste of gas
oh well, at least it makes for a funny story, LOL


Yes because completely lying about the condition of a bass isn't dishonest?


Sorry dude.

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I think the reason that I'm so cool with it, is I had another guy that wants the stuff, and wants to trade for tatoo work (and I've seen the work and its amazing), but I had already made the deal with the other guy, so I was honor bound to that deal. But when it turned out to be crap, I was actually somewhat relieved :]

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HAHAHAHA, change New Bass Day to NO Bass Day.

he did show up. so at least he didn't flake out. BUT, he told me it was a great bass, and it looked really good in the pics. Supposedly it "could use a set up" and that was it.

OH MY GOD. the frets were GREEN, literally green from corrosion, the body had gouges in it from who knows what, the pole pieces on the pickups didn't have any chrome on them anymore, just really deep rust, they were pitted really bad. the bridge had a butt load of rust on it, bubbled and peeling chrome all over it. The strings had rust all over them. The pickguard had several cracks in it. The "like new" Fender gig bag had nothing anywhere on it saying Fender, but it did have lots of stains on it. I told the guy that there was NO way this was the bass in the pics... and he tells me, "I didnt have any pics of it, so I found pics online of the same model. I didn't tell you because I didnt want you to judge me by this and think I was dishonest" THINK??? what a waste of gas
oh well, at least it makes for a funny story, LOL



Indeed. Hahaha. Green frets?! *barf*


I've only seen one instrument in that condition and it was like that because it was a victim of a flood/sewer back up. Gross.

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I was going to post "how is this deal going to {censored} itself up" but didn't even get the chance. Hysterical.



lol, kindness. it just goes to figure huh.

the kid was kinda funny in a twisted kind of way. funny stupid if that makes sense, he handed me the gig bag, and when I reached for the zipper he acted almost shocked, and said "oh no, I just played it earlier, and it was great, you don't have to ....." and then I had it open.

I ALMOST felt bad for telling him I didnt' want it. ALMOST

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I'm glad you didn't. The typical poomwah thread is you not realizing until you got the bass home. This is definitely a BIG step in the right direction!


thanks kindness, usually it would be something I ordered and it showed up like this, or something that wasn't noticable in the store that I noticed later. I appreciate you giving me credit in improving my buying skills, but theres NO way I could have missed how bad this one was, LOL.

Even for me, this one was a no-brainer

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well, I'm not trading for the tattoo.... I told him I was amazed by the pictures I saw, and I asked if I could come watch his wife (turns out his wife is the actual artist) give someone a tattoo so I could be sure that the work I saw in the pics was actually hers.

his reply "Well that's a little out of line and quite a bit odd.

She's a wonderful artists in many respects not just tattooing.

Guess you'll have to trust us or not. It's up to you.

Thank you sir"

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this is funny, they guy doesn't want to take no as an answer.

I said no thanks, that I decide against it. And he send me one "so you're telling me you're not going to trade for a kick ass tatto???" I told him thank you for the opportunity, but its a chance I don't feel comfortable taking. and of course, he responded to that "What chance?

You want references?

In 10 years of business not one single person has been mistrusting.

It's quite obvious if someone is being straight with you or not.

I think you are being a little paranoid.

But your loss"

the next tat I get will be one I've been wanting for along time, and it will the one that means the most to me, and I am going to have to live with it for the rest of my life... paranoid? no, smart enough to do my homework

and he replies

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so I get ANOTHER one from him bitching that I haven't even come to see her portfolio, and how he's got a lot of her work on him (like it matters what he says, he's a stranger), and then proceeds to tell me again that its my loss, and that I'll always be a victim because I expect to be one.

Didn't I just PREVENT myself from being a victim?

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so I get ANOTHER one from him bitching that I haven't even come to see her portfolio, and how he's got a lot of her work on him (like it matters what he says, he's a stranger), and then proceeds to tell me again that its my loss, and that I'll always be a victim because I expect to be one.

Didn't I just PREVENT myself from being a victim?



In his mind, you are rejecting the art work of his wife, who (in his mind) is quite obviously (to him) the most amazing artist in the world. You really can't say anything in this situation without hurting his feelings.


"Thanks, I've changed my mind, I'd rather just have the cash for my bass." is about all you can say... and he'll still probably call you an ass or whatever because that's what husbands do. Just let it roll off you when it does.

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it all worked out rather nicely, had another guy want the speakers, and had some wheels that would fit my t-bird :] (and I HATE the wheels on my t-bird, LOL) well, and even trade, and short trip (had to go to that town anyway, so that even worked out) I've got some halfway decent wheels for my car.


whooo hooo

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