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Can I say that? I hope so, 'cause I got to!


I had no clue that Laklands were this awesome. The one I played (sorta) for a brief time at GC years back didn't float my boat, nor did one I tried at last Winter NAMM.


But being a bass-buyin' fool, I had a hunch about this one---




The Neck!

The Build!


Reverse tuners, apparently, unless I've become dyslexic, I did not know they were!


Only worked her for an hour (that's what SHE said!) But I get it.


It totally rocks, it's a magnificent animal; a GREAT Bass guitar.


So go ahead on all you familiar-with-how-good-these basses-always were- players...


Give me a big "TOLD YA SO!"


Fine with me.


Totally rawks. totally.

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I do, and I have some incredible basses to compare it to...

Ric's, G&L, 'Wick, MM, Gretsch (yeah!), a '69 P-Bass, a BEE....


I love them all! (think I'm gonna cry!)


But yeh, wow, this bass is really seriously hawt.



It's got a flatwound-like thump when I get the correct part of my fingers

(right-hand) under the strings! Ya know, the MEAT, haha it just sorta snaps them into this beautiful darkish one...I know the DarkStars might have a leetle something to do with that, reference rig as well...


But nah, it's how the finger gets laid in, the sirloin if you will of the index finger and one next to it...

Great timing too- my Rhythm section is gelling like Magellan, and look out- I sounded so good yesterday if I say so myself, wait til next time w/ Decade.:thu:

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Just what is your "cab issue"?


+1 on the Genz-Benz as a great piece of gear (don't know what your "issue" is however)-


I just added a NEOX 210T to my arsenal, they're great units- same drivers I believe as the new "Uber" Series.


Now back to the DECADE (fiesta red!)....

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Originally Posted by LarryNJ viewpost.gif

But being a bass-buyin' fool...


You got that right!!!


Well, this "fool" is playing the **** outta these things!


Enjoy all the new basses!:thu:

Definitly do, Bro, thanx!



BEE Worker BEE design (synth access) conceived late last year after digging the you-know-what outta my Godin A4SA- The Roland GR-20 is more fun than one can imagine unless they've tried it, and I was/am involved in a project

playing with a very interesting Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist, as an "acoustic" duo, and utilizing the synth was and is a musical and creative challenge and joy.


WHy not bring it to a "slab" bass (Fender-style solid Body) and who better than the amazing Fred Bolton and his BEE's.


Now- there's one or two "out there" who need to lissen up-

I e-mailed Fred and we began discussion concerning this project; it was later solidified at NAMM in January 09 where I worked/we met/talked.


The build design of the bass was not an issue, it actually presented a great opportunity for Fred, as any luthier/bassist would be interested in approaching this build.

My first contact was with Skjold, whos $$ was considerably higher, quoted me a year's lead-time, and cried like a baby when I POLITELY informed him of my discussion and eventual purchase from Fred. Very unpro on his part, and I DO dig Skjold basses - a lot.


There's been some who are angry at not getting a timely build from BEE-

Understood- BUT-


When I made my talk with Fred- I made it clear from the outset what the parameters were for delivery- There was delay due to Graph-Tech furnishing the GHOST parts required, but nonetheless- I made beforehand a committment- which he honored- for a "drop-dead delivery time.


I'm not gonna go off on some people's issues- they are THEIR issues, but point is- LEARN how to do business, avoid those situations.

I'd hate to imagine that "type" of individual contracting engagements on the road e.g.

I've toured Overseas, and my ducks were in a row before my projects left.


Rant Over- You've seen the BEE- It's sensational beyond words.


Whilst at NAMM, I saw hiding in a corner, as inconspicuous as was possible, the Centennial Leo L2K. Played and loved it, ordered in January '09, received July I think it was, when I returned from England, there was the E-Mail.

I ran a thread here at HC about it, because not only is it an instrument that is truly magnificent- but... some self-professed G&L whiz-boys seemed to profer that "it cost too much for just a Blonde L2K"


I own/gig/play it. It'a a bargain.


The Carvin was something I always liked (AC40) I'm tickled pink with how it came out and how it sounds/plays.


I had seen the Lakland at Mesa HWD for YEARS! Always dug DarkStars; had a feeling about this one.

OMG- it is the best! Well, one of them, anyway!

It was meant for me to grab it up. Even the Lakland factory guys think so.


Been thinking about a FCS 55 PBASS for a long while, then along comes Nash Guitars to ponder, and I see the MK Blonde he makes; on the Gbase net----- I better jump on that-

Arrived yesterday, and OH SH##. Glad it's mine. Before someone else luved it to death. It rawks hard.


I have (2) more basses being worked:

A Birdsong Cortobass in Mesquite, 'cause I dug this guy and his short-scale thang- I have some 30" 'ers I really like- (that's what SHE said)

Delivery in December, for my Birthday, he promised.


And lastly, maybe October I hope, ordered in July I think-

A Fritz Bros. that I'm not supposed to talk about for reasons left unstated!




(I'll give it up when I get the bass, so there will be additional opportunites to rag my pix and lambast me for my ridiculous buying habits, a sign of arrested development)



Actually- I have a $$$ "day job"- hint- it's in the MI biz, I don't post it 'cause I don't want internet forumites busting my ballz for stuff,




I have a succesful Project, an R&B Covers Rhythm Section that backs/has backed some outstanding Female Vocalists- A SOULFUL! TALENTED! Lady is a good tool for securing gigs BTW- Or...go ahead, write originals, be a ROKSTAR- fine! Ya know, get a Lady GaGa or a Rhiannon, or a Brittany, or be a MotorheadMetallicaYehYehYeh.



The girl we're working with now is unreal- talent way beyond her just-turned 21 years, a natural. Supposedly, she has a "record deal" doing originals, but she's doing the real thing with me/us- R&B Roots- etta James, Shemekia Copeland, Robert Cray, and some stuff that is so in-the-cucking pocket (I heard some when I toured down South-an education)

Try Tyrone Davis- "Hot Spot" and see how tight your band can play---

I'm learnin!


I've contracted gigs both Domestic and foreign, and it more than pays the bills for my toys, as Nancy Lee my squeeze disdainfully refers to them...


So except for the fact that I'm soon to lose my 97-year old War-Hero father, who I brought home to live with me last July and who is on his last stretch, goin' down hard; Life is all good.


And great basses or not-


It is ALL about the Music.


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So except for the fact that I'm soon to lose my 97-year old War-Hero father, who I brought home to live with me last July and who is on his last stretch, goin' down hard; Life is all good.

And great basses or not-

It is ALL about the Music.


Sorry to hear about your father.

As for all the new basses and the lack of pics, I'm mostly just kiddin' with ya.

But with all the money you've spent on basses recently, would it kill ya to invest $100 in a digital camera?



I'm definitely glad to hear your basses are being used well and enjoyed. :thu:

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My first contact was with Skjold, whos $$ was considerably higher, quoted me a year's lead-time, and cried like a baby when I POLITELY informed him of my discussion and eventual purchase from Fred. Very unpro on his part, and I DO dig Skjold basses - a lot.



Pete was probably very excited about doing a project like that, but, yeah, his excellent work doesn't come cheap.

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Totally understand the kidding guys, I get it & appreciate -

Just wanted to fill in some spaces as to WTF??!!


We should all be so lucky to live to age 97, and hopefully check out while equaling or bettering Jaco in bass performance, while at the same time, having Megan Fox show her appreciation of our gear and skillz-


But it ain't always like that, and legend has it that my Dad told General Patton to go **** himself. Ain't easy providing for him, let alone losing my Pop.


And re: Skjold; it wasn't a matter of pricing, it was his lead time. Both BEE and Skjold were/are awesome,,, (Hint- I prefer BEE actually) but really, he was an Ass when I simply told him I had an alternative builder I was CONSIDERING on the table. That's BS, I"M the Customer. Because of his 'tude, I will NEVER own a Skjold, and as you can see...I buy a lot o' basses.


Oh well.




New Basses are GOOD!

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"File" pics, not mine--


Decade from BOOGIE store whence it came


CLF from the website


BEE from Mr. Bolton


Except for that CLF, they be in my possession now.


The CLF I got was #8...of 100--- (50) ea L2K's and (50) ea CLF ASAT's.


There is only (1) other on the G&L registry, and that's the prototype, the finish of which has been changed to the awesome pearlescent Sentimental Blonde. The proto is the one I saw/played at Winter NAMM.

So sweet. So toneful.


The G&L Dealer of choice told me that "No problem, they (G&L) will easily sell the run" Mebbe....


And when I spoke with G&L Factory regarding when I was gonna get this bugger, he said:


"Well, they will be collector pieces, they won't really get played."





Mine is and will continue to be WORKED.

It's a tool, that's what it is for, beautious finish, impeccable construction, and most of all NOS vintage hand-wiring mated to the mighty tri-tone pre which produces a sound that is



To say the very least.

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