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bullet shortage.


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Actually, my dad is a regular shooter. Likes to spend afternoons at the range and the shortage has been taking a bite out of his social life. What's a retiree to do for a hobby these days?



i don't know but shooting stuff sounds like a hell of a fun hobby.


ive been gassing for a shotgun for a couple years now.

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A friend of mine makes his own shotgun shells.

It's a hell of a shot when he makes 'em with tacks and doesn't tell ya.

I can't imagine what kinda damage this would do in a combat situation.


Not much, not enough mass to really punch though. I'd imagine the effective range would be pretty short given the flight dynamics of a tack. My new idea is to make shells filled with hotsauce and shoot their eyeballs! :mad:

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Not likely.

We're talking about different rounds here. When I go shopping I can find plenty of 30.06, 7mm Mag, Slugs....those are my hunting rounds.

What I can't find is AR ammo, and hand gun callibers.


+1 My local Bass Pro and other shops have empty shelves where all of the hand gun ammo once was... Been that way for several months. It is getting really expensive now, also. Saw one box of name brand .40's that were about $1 a shot... :facepalm:

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Reminds me of the fuel protests here in 2000. People thought there would be a shortage...so they started panic buying...which resulted in a shortage...which resulted in more people panic buying..which resulted in...


A person is intelligent. People are stupid.


*EDIT* Or the run on Northern Rock bank a couple of years ago


Still, I bet the gun shops aren't complaining about the extra demand, are they?

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Not likely.

We're talking about different rounds here. When I go shopping I can find plenty of 30.06, 7mm Mag, Slugs....those are my hunting rounds.

What I can't find is AR ammo, and hand gun callibers.


Correct. This is why I kept my 9mm and only used it sparingly since mid last year. Unfortunately, I only have a handful of .357 and .38+p. I know this... I have at least 6 .357 Hydroshocks - guess where I keep them :evil:

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Not likely.

We're talking about different rounds here. When I go shopping I can find plenty of 30.06, 7mm Mag, Slugs....those are my hunting rounds.

What I can't find is AR ammo, and hand gun callibers.



This seller has a ton of handun ammo. I just bought 1000 rounds of 9mm CCI Blazer from him about a month ago. Good seller.





Also .223 is hard to find locally, but it's out there



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These threads piss me off.


1. It's pretty much over with.


2. It never was a shortage. It was a uneven distribution. MORE ammo was available this year, just some people can't find it because others are hoarding it.


Ammo hoarders are like the people that bought all the bottled water and generators around Y2K. It's stupid, and ruins things for people who actually use the stuff regularly.


Remember the good deals you could get on "used" generators after Y2K?

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1. It's pretty much over with.

2. It never was a shortage. It was a uneven distribution. MORE ammo was available this year, just some people can't find it because others are hoarding it.



I doubt the veracity of these statements.

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