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Saw Rush on VH1 last night..


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I'm not a huge Rush fan, but I gotta say Geddy kicks ass! VH1 was showing one of the concerts in Brazil and I was knocked out by Geddy. I've heard a lot of the tunes over theyears but really didn't pay much attention. Geddy was playing his Jazz, of course, and I couldn't get over the percussive quality of his fingerstyle playing. That man's tone rules! I hate to admit it, but I always had it in the back of my mind that Rush was kind of a bunch of tight asses. I really had no clue that they jam the way they do and have a good time doing it! I was knocked out! I'm not saying that I'm ready to become a full-on convert, but I gotta give Geddy his props. Cool show, might have to dig a little deeper into this Rush thingy.

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You'll see the light soon enough after digging in. They aren't much. It's good at first but boring after some time. It's a fun ride for awhile though.





Geddy is pretty much the reason I play bass. His tone and creativity ALWAYS inspire me even on albums I don't like as much.


Plus, he's a pretty cool dude:




Shows up at about 3:16:


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The only part I cant understand is how you could have been a bass player all that time and not have noticed before. Not saying you have to love his style, but simply not noticing his abilities as a player is puzzling to me..............

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You are probably under 35 years old. I don't mean that as a dig,its just they became a completly differnt band after Hemispheres. I was a real fan of Rush,and still am,but I don't care so much for most of the stuff they did after 2112. And had I been born ten years later than I was,I probably would not have liked them as much!!! Lol

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