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Originally posted by Emprov

Nice dinner, and congrats on 5 years! Guess tonight wasn't quite as romantice as the other 4 with the little one in the house eh? biggrin.gif

How was the Opus One?


Thanks! The romance was there. Just that there was a baby monitor in the background and getting the meal cooking took a bit longer than expected wink.gif

To paraphrase Stewie from Family Guy, "an orgy in my mouth".

The wife even admitted that it was worth the money and she's a tough one. I hadn't even had it opened as long as I should have. Still, it was quite fantastic. Rich, velvety taste. A bit more fruity than I'd anticpated but it wasn't overpowering. The nose on it's fantastic. I was sold at a sniff. You can definitely tell there was some time put into this.

They've got mags at 40% off and they've got an Opus One mag. With a bit of a family gathering in the works to have a better chance to meet the little one, I'm eyeing that mag. I may just stick with a bottle of Remy XO for the guys to enjoy with cigars.

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Originally posted by niomosy

They've got mags at 40% off and they've got an Opus One mag. With a bit of a family gathering in the works to have a better chance to meet the little one, I'm eyeing that mag. I may just stick with a bottle of Remy XO for the guys to enjoy with cigars.


Dang! Wonder if there's any up in these parts. I'll be going there later on in the week, I'll definitely check it out. Never had a bottle and I think a mag would be a great first bottle...in about 5-10 years.
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Originally posted by Emprov

Dang! Wonder if there's any up in these parts. I'll be going there later on in the week, I'll definitely check it out. Never had a bottle and I think a mag would be a great first bottle...in about 5-10 years.


This was my first time with Opus One as well. I'd heard about it and seen it at the wine shop I go to. At $160 a bottle, it's not something I can just look at the wife and say, "hey, let's give this a try!". Good move on their part to put it in as a part of the tasting. They did charge an extra $5 over the normal $15 for the high-end tasting to cover it.

I wish I could stash a mag or two for a while. No wine fridge yet frown.gif so I'm stuck with whatever's tasting pretty good now or within a short amount of time. That's probably one of the next things on my list to pick up.

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Originally posted by niomosy

Well, in my research on places to buy caviar, I learned that beluga's banned as of like the first of the year (along with like two other types of variar) in the U.S. and by the UN until the respective countries can show that they're not going to drive sturgeons to extinction. Meanwhile, I ended up picking up some US-grown sturgeon caviar for $27. Quite a bit different from the $100+ I was expecting to pay. The quality wasn't all that great but it wasn't bad, either. Still worked well on the scrambled eggs.


Caviar on scrambled eggs?!? You ARE weird... wink.gif

Yeah, the Romanians are getting hit by the ban as well. Mostly thanks to the overfishers from other Black Sea countries, as I understand it.


Dinner ended up being filet mignon, kings crabs legs and asparagus sauteed in a bit of butter and olive oil with some chopped garlic. That and a nice bottle of 2002 Opus One (I've been dying to try it and they had it as part of the tasting at my local wine shop biggrin.gif ) Gotta love Costco. Got the steak and crab there, all the food was under $100 and we've still got a whole steak plus half the crab and a lot of asparagus left over. Couldn't even come close to that eating out thumb.gif


Of course, now my wife'll be expecting me to handle breakfast a bit more often since I'm not so hot at dinner.




True, you did have to make asparagus. Points docked for that. biggrin.gif


To make the day just about perfect, we took the little one to the Dr. and were told she'd gained a few ounces (she'd lost over a pound since birth). We even took her with us in the stroller to walk the dogs.


How do babies lose weight after birth? confused.gif

I have to go practice now for an audition on Monday. thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Caviar on scrambled eggs?!? You ARE weird... wink.gif


Actually, not really weird at all. It's a common enough thing. I even saw it on Food Channel tongue.gif


Yeah, the Romanians are getting hit by the ban as well. Mostly thanks to the overfishers from other Black Sea countries, as I understand it.


Kinda sucks. It looks like it should just be a short-term thing until the other contries can placate the US and UN a bit. Having most of your customers cut off would likely encourage them in the matter wink.gif Of course, I do hope that they're not going to drive the sturgeon population to extinction. If the US is actually raising a finger, though, it must be pretty bad.




True, you did have to make asparagus. Points docked for that. biggrin.gif


The wife and I both love asparagus so tongue.gif


How do babies lose weight after birth? confused.gif


Pretty easily. Mommy's breast milk doesn't actually kick in for about 3-4 days. Until then, all they produce is colostrum. It's very rich but only a small amount comes out. It's typical to lose about 10% body weight. The thing is to be feeding enough to gain it back.

Right now, we've got a little setup with a tube that gets taped at the wife's nipple with formula as additional help to the breast milk. The nice part about the nipple rig is that she can still breast feed and get the breast milk plus stimulate the breasts to produce more milk while the forumula helps out in getting her nourished.

The little one did get up from 7lb 5oz to 7lb 9oz so it's progress but we need to push pretty hard to get up as we've got another checkup with the pediatrician on Tuesday.

We've already seen a drastic increase in her alert time since pumping and giving her the pumped milk. The formula's helping as well.

So far as we can tell, it's just a matter of getting the wife's milk production up to par. The lactation consultant was just wanting us to use the nipple thing for a few days to get her weight back up while waiting for the wife's milk production to really kick in. It's looking like production is already kicking up thumb.gif Now we just need to work on my wife's technique for positioning the little one. She still needs some work there after watching the pro's help her out. I've been trying to coach her as I've been attentively watching what they're doing and noting errors in technique from wifey.

Who'd have thought it would be this much work? Still, the benefits of breast feeding are important enough to us to keep pursuing. It's my job to make sure she doesn't get burned out, though, as it's really common for women to drop out of breast feeding within the first two weeks.


I have to go practice now for an audition on Monday. thumb.gif


Audition? Excellent? What for?
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