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Quote Originally Posted by Thumper

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It's a '90 Gibson T-bird I bought used in '98. I've played the f*ck out of it, so it needed some love.


Mike Lull pups with nickel covers and pup rings.

Nickel Hipshot Kluson-style tuners.

Nickel vintage three-point bridge from Allparts.

Full refinish courtesy of The 12th Fret in nitro vintage Gibson cherry lacquer.

It's scheduled for a 15 July completion date. I'll post pics, of course...



So pretty much the only original part of the bass is the wood? biggrin.gif

Seriously, that sounds pretty dope. Do post pics!

I admit, I've been surfing Lull's site of late.

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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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There is always wayyy too much to do at the office. mad.gif


I resemble that remark... cry.gif

No matter how much I get done, there's always more to do, and if I get that done, I can still always find at least a dozen pressing things that I've been ignoring. My job is the job of two people (for real) and that's not even counting the extraneous bull{censored} my manager decides to throw on my plate at the inevitable last minute...

I need a new job. Again. I love what I'm doing now, but I'm not paid half enough for the amount of stress I have to deal with. mad.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by SunofNothing

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I hate the TV show the Office.

so overrated, hasn't been funny or sincere for quite a while. Steve Correll being a dip{censored} every episode doesn't make me laugh.


My roommates like it, so I know it's awful without even watching it.
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I resemble that remark... cry.gif

No matter how much I get done, there's always more to do, and if I get that done, I can still always find at least a dozen pressing things that I've been ignoring. My job is the job of two people (for real) and that's not even counting the extraneous bull{censored} my manager decides to throw on my plate at the inevitable last minute... [q/uote]

I hear that. Somehow I'm supposed to keep dozens of taxpayers happy while being interrupted every two minutes to answer another coworker's task o' the minute. You learn to roll with the unexpected, but it takes huge whack out of your energy and mental clarity by the end of the day...

Especially trying to resolve complex citizenship cases around really complex and not-so-clear laws...

I'm just mentally drained after a 10 hour day. I don't even have an urge to play bass when I get home... I veg on the intarwebz and with TV.


Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman


I need a new job. Again. I love what I'm doing now, but I'm not paid half enough for the amount of stress I have to deal with. mad.gif


I love what I'm doing, and I'm paid considerably better than I was in academia...but this job is aging me something fierce.
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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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I hear that. Somehow I'm supposed to keep dozens of taxpayers happy while being interrupted every two minutes to answer another coworker's task o' the minute. You learn to roll with the unexpected, but it takes huge whack out of your energy and mental clarity by the end of the day...

Especially trying to resolve complex citizenship cases around really complex and not-so-clear laws...

I'm just mentally drained after a 10 hour day. I don't even have an urge to play bass when I get home... I veg on the intarwebz and with TV.

I love what I'm doing, and I'm paid considerably better than I was in academia...but this job is aging me something fierce.


I barely play anymore either. Or write. No time, no energy. And now, to top it all off, the Inside Workers in Toronto went on strike this week which means no Social Workers, which means no social work, which means if this strike goes on for more than a month we're going to be suffering from layoffs and possibly closing down altogether if it goes on much longer than that. And on top of that, the Garbage Collectors went on strike too, so in about two more days the whole city is going to stink since the weather is above 90 on average now that it's summer. I'm officially not supposed to take a position on the strike, but since I'm fairly anonymous here I'll tell you, this strike sucks, is totally {censored}ing stupid, and for once in my life I'm not on the side of the strikers since I think they're asking for way too much (18 vacation days a year that roll-over if they're not taken and turn into a serious cash payout upon retirement - we're in a recession here people! What part of 'bankrupt city budget' don't you understand?) mad.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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I barely play anymore either. Or write. No time, no energy. And now, to top it all off, the Inside Workers in Toronto went on strike this week which means no Social Workers, which means no social work, which means if this strike goes on for more than a month we're going to be suffering from layoffs and possibly closing down altogether if it goes on much longer than that. And on top of that, the Garbage Collectors went on strike too, so in about two more days the whole city is going to stink since the weather is above 90 on average now that it's summer. I'm officially not supposed to take a position on the strike, but since I'm fairly anonymous here I'll tell you, this strike sucks, is totally {censored}ing stupid, and for once in my life I'm not on the side of the strikers since I think they're asking for way too much (18 vacation days a year that roll-over if they're not taken and turn into a serious cash payout upon retirement - we're in a recession here people! What part of 'bankrupt city budget' don't you understand?) mad.gif


Just walk outside and say, "What the fuuck are ya talking aboot, ya bastage. Get back to working you {censored}in sissies." Then follow it up by knocking some sense into them with your seal club.
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Another draining day at work.

Most of my time around my usual duties got swallowed by two friggin' e-mails to one person who's taking her frustration out on the one person in the e-mail chain who is bending over backwards to help her under the law, namely me. mad.gif

And the law on citizenship/naturalization is somewhat complicated to analyze, then regurgitate so that the American customer understands it. Oy. My head hurts...

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