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I am the Thread Killer


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Originally posted by Zamfir

Pre-emptive Happy New Year, Threadkillers!!


Oh, and I have an interview tomorrow (yes, New Year's Day) with the guy who will be my boss in Podgorica, a retired US Army colonel.

If I don't blow it, I'm almost certain to get the gig. :thumbsup:


Good luck.

I can't help but wonder---what would you be doing in Montenegro?

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Originally posted by Thumper

Good luck.

I can't help but wonder---what would you be doing in Montenegro?


Thank you!

Working on security reform (i.e., improving democratic/civilian control over the armed forces, as well as preparing/advising Montenegro for the long slog into NATO) on Dutch grant money for the NGO run by a friend and former colleague.

It'll be fun, if way challenging, to see what defense reform is like on the inside. thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

P.S. Maybe I'll see you on your next tour through the Balkans. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Didn't happen to get out of active duty, did you? confused.gif


I just retired a few months back after 26 years in the Army Guard and Regular Army---including tours in Bosnia and Kosovo.

I'd like to go back to the Balkans some time to see the region from a different perspective. One of my wife's cousins just moved to Bucharest, and we may go for a visit this summer.

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Originally posted by oldivor

IMO retired Army servicemen are either great or hell. It really depends.


Yeah, and you don't get to be a colonel without being pretty damn smart and focused.

I'm expecting that for him, as my friend put it, "deadlines are sacrosanct." Hours may be a little longer than normal...but 10-12 I can do.

Then I want to go home at night without climbing the walls preparing for the next day, and preserve my weekends. Unlike, say, teaching... wink.gif

I'm just hoping he's one of the more normal/sane Type A officer types. biggrin.gif

More importantly, there just aren't many jobs in the Balkans, period. Let alone that will let me improve my language skills, use my doctorate to direct, good effect, pay a decent salary and bennies, and provide a concrete improvement for a lot of people, while living in a region I dig. That's a package I can't pass up.

The downside is that I'll likely be living apart from the spousal unit for a year. frown.gif

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Originally posted by Thumper

I just retired a few months back after 26 years in the Army Guard and Regular Army---including tours in Bosnia and Kosovo.

I'd like to go back to the Balkans some time to see the region from a different perspective. One of my wife's cousins just moved to Bucharest, and we may go for a visit this summer.



Bucharest -- I love the place because I spent so much time there and it has its charms in spots. It may not make a good first impression though -- and don't judge the rest of the country by it!! wink.gif (Looks a lot better than it used to, but the war followed by communism was not kind on architecture... wink.gif Also more expensive than it used to be). I hope you get to travel around the countryside/mountains some!

Depending what happens, my wife may be coming there this summer for vacation (the MIL lives there), so maybe we'll cross paths and have some beers/wine. wave.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Yeah, and you don't get to be a colonel without being pretty damn smart and focused.

I'm expecting that for him, as my friend put it, "deadlines are sacrosanct." Hours may be a little longer than normal...but 10-12 I can do.

Then I want to go home at night without climbing the walls preparing for the next day, and preserve my weekends. Unlike, say, teaching... wink.gif

I'm just hoping he's one of the more normal/sane Type A officer types. biggrin.gif

More importantly, there just aren't many jobs in the Balkans, period. Let alone that will let me improve my language skills, use my doctorate to direct, good effect, pay a decent salary and bennies, and provide a concrete improvement for a lot of people, while living in a region I dig. That's a package I can't pass up.

The downside is that I'll likely be living apart from the spousal unit for a year. frown.gif


PM being sent

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Thank you!

Working on security reform (i.e., improving democratic/civilian control over the armed forces, as well as preparing/advising Montenegro for the long slog into NATO) on Dutch grant money for the NGO run by a friend and former colleague.

It'll be fun, if way challenging, to see what defense reform is like on the inside. thumb.gif


Sounds interesting. Hopefully you can get it and not be going crazy with the whole teaching thing wink.gif
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Originally posted by niomosy

Ohh! Updates! Updates! biggrin.gifwink.gif


E-mailed me afterwards to tell me he "gave me the nod" to my friend who makes the decision.

This same friend told me I was his leading choice as of a couple days ago.

However. He then e-mailed me to say "two more conversations tomorrow." confused.gif

So I'm not sure what's up with that. One may be with his wife the treasurer. wink.gif

Don't worry, she likes me, AFAIK. biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

E-mailed me afterwards to tell me he "gave me the nod" to my friend who makes the decision.

This same friend told me I was his leading choice as of a couple days ago.

However. He then e-mailed me to say "two more conversations tomorrow." confused.gif

So I'm not sure what's up with that. One may be with his wife the treasurer. wink.gif

Don't worry, she likes me, AFAIK. biggrin.gif


Excellent! thumb.gif

Now I'm just hoping I get some job lovin' going. My friend's still trying to nix one of their contractors. I'm hoping that they'll do that and open up another spot so I can try to jump into that. No office, work from home 100% along with a laptop, internet connection, cell phone and seperate voip phone for work. I could live with that for the most part. I'd just want to make sure I was good about taking breaks and hitting the gym. That and making sure my wife isn't just having me watch the baby half the time wink.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

Excellent! thumb.gif

Now I'm just hoping I get some job lovin' going. My friend's still trying to nix one of their contractors. I'm hoping that they'll do that and open up another spot so I can try to jump into that. No office, work from home 100% along with a laptop, internet connection, cell phone and seperate voip phone for work. I could live with that for the most part. I'd just want to make sure I was good about taking breaks and hitting the gym. That and making sure my wife isn't just having me watch the baby half the time wink.gif


Whoa, that would be cool.

Only you'd never stop long enough to do work in the middle of Battle Zone or whatever it is. biggrin.gif

I need to set my watch for more frequent breaks, too. Maybe use the timer for 90 minutes...only the faceplate and button to select the modes are completely busted. Time for a new watch. frown.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Whoa, that would be cool.

Only you'd never stop long enough to do work in the middle of Battle Zone or whatever it is. biggrin.gif

I need to set my watch for more frequent breaks, too. Maybe use the timer for 90 minutes...only the faceplate and button to select the modes are completely busted. Time for a new watch. frown.gif


Battlefield 2 wink.gif But nowadays, it's World of Warcraft. It would be fun in some ways. In others, it would somewhat suck. I'm not the super social person so work's about the only time where I do much chatting with people and whatnot, other than my wife and daughter with an occasional visit with friends.

The cool thing is that I could do the work from anywhere with a stable internet connection so long as I'm working relatively equivalent hours to the rest of the team. I've gotta make sure my web admin skills are up for this one, though. Still, the guy's a contractor and it's in an area that I'm not focused in right now so I've got some work ahead of me. If my friend puts in a good word, that can help since they seem to like him and knows I can pick this stuff up.

Here's the pisser for me, though. He just about handed me a job at Disney about 4 or so years ago. It would have been a slight nix in pay, a week's loss of vacation and a longer commute. I passed. Now they're taken over by IBM and working the sweet life at home, with skills paying even more frown.gif Shoulda taken the jobs mad.gif

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