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Originally posted by oldivor

You make it sound like learning is important. confused.gif


Yeah, I'd hate to be teacher. I think half the time I'd want to choke the S.O.B.s....


Learning, hell, I just want a salary... biggrin.gif

Seriously, I have to think hard about how I can moderate the stress of constant behavior management, balanced with actually making a difference for some kids...otherwise, I may have to rethink this partial career shift...

Sleepy. Must go to bed now. wave.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Learning, hell, I just want a salary... biggrin.gif

Seriously, I have to think hard about how I can moderate the stress of constant behavior management, balanced with actually making a difference for some kids...otherwise, I may have to rethink this partial career shift...

Sleepy. Must go to bed now. wave.gif


Well green IS good. biggrin.gif

Again this might be important in the class but in real life there' more room for error. Because the midof teh road kids are the ones you're trying to swing over. Must kids in college are either 1: there for learning or 2:drinking beer and screwing chicks. Now I'm not saying to just to say {censored} it all but if you're not 100% it'll be fine.

I SHOULD go to bed but I might stay up more and play MW4:Mercs. biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by oldivor


I almost got run over


Saw that.

Glad you're alive!!!

I get militant about it when I'm in the crosswalk. I'll turn and yell at the car blowing past me, "CROSSWAAAAALK, ASSHOLE!"

After one close call on a rainy night ({censored}er *sped up* with me in the middle of the road...), I leaned on city council to get two more signs for the middle of the road that read in no uncertain terms "State Law: Yield to Pedestrian", for placing at two crosswalks near the uni where the drivers are bigger assholes than normal -- and where the foot traffic is high. One's on a blind curve.

So now I have something to point at when I yell at cars. thumb.gif

Fockers have got to learn that the law exists for a reason when they're driving a three-ton steel torpedo.

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Saw that.

Glad you're alive!!!

I get militant about it when I'm in the crosswalk. I'll turn and yell at the car blowing past me, "CROSSWAAAAALK, ASSHOLE!"

After one close call on a rainy night ({censored}er *sped up* with me in the middle of the road...), I leaned on city council to get two more signs for the middle of the road that read in no uncertain terms "State Law: Yield to Pedestrian", for placing at two crosswalks near the uni where the drivers are bigger assholes than normal -- and where the foot traffic is high. One's on a blind curve.

So now I have something to point at when I yell at cars. thumb.gif

Fockers have got to learn that the law exists for a reason when they're driving a three-ton steel torpedo.


Well this guy was just in his own world. Talking to some one else.

Still though


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Originally posted by Zamfir

Well, this "lesson plan" is just bull{censored} for a methods exam. I'm not sure I'd actually inflict it on any kids. biggrin.gif

But standing up in front of the kids and running your mouth without a plan is a recipe for an even bigger crash 'n' burn. wink.gif

I improvise all the time, but I've learned they can only handle 20-30 minutes of lecturing (interactively!) or any other activity, segmented, and you want to limit how much you throw at 'em...not to mention, give them a big idea to hang onto if they're going to forget everything else you said.

So, probably not a good idea. I think the history kids I had to run a review for last Thursday would have eaten me alive if I'd tried. Animals. wink.gif


See, I'm just not the person that can stand up in front of a bunch of people and teach like that. Just not my thing. It doesn't help that I'm really not much on speaking in front of groups in the first place wink.gif
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Originally posted by niomosy

See, I'm just not the person that can stand up in front of a bunch of people and teach like that. Just not my thing. It doesn't help that I'm really not much on speaking in front of groups in the first place wink.gif


I sort of the other way around. I have no problem talking infront of others. But I'd get pissed off at students bragging about how drunk he was Friday day and how this chick was giving him a blow job and passed out on him.

Gosh, I HATE when people talk in class. mad.gif I came here to learn not hear about how immature you are, now STFU before I skin you alive.

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Originally posted by oldivor

I sort of the other way around. I have no problem talking infront of others. But I'd get pissed off at students bragging about how drunk he was Friday day and how this chick was giving him a blow job and passed out on him.

Gosh, I HATE when people talk in class. mad.gif I came here to learn not hear about how immature you are, now STFU before I skin you alive.


See, I'm there not to learn or chat. I'm there to pass the class so I can eventually get to the day where I get handed that little piece of paper that says, "I spent some cash on being taught a bunch of stuff I've already forgotten but that some employers want before they'll hire me or move me into management" wink.gif

I'm a little cynical when it comes to college tongue.gif One more class and I can transfer to a university for my upper-division stuff and pay university fees instead of the community college fees rolleyes.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

See, I'm there not to learn or chat. I'm there to pass the class so I can eventually get to the day where I get handed that little piece of paper that says, "I spent some cash on being taught a bunch of stuff I've already forgotten but that some employers want before they'll hire me or move me into management" wink.gif

I'm a little cynical when it comes to college tongue.gif One more class and I can transfer to a university for my upper-division stuff and pay university fees instead of the community college fees rolleyes.gif


haha, that's the why some of my classes are. I learned it in highschoolbut I have to learn it again. mad.gif Yeah, it seems like degree are more important then people who know ythier stuff nowadays rolleyes.gif

Ugh, yeah. I go to a state school and they're not cheap I hate to think what a private school would be like. Are you going to a public or a private college?

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Originally posted by oldivor

haha, that's the why some of my classes are. I learned it in highschoolbut I have to learn it again. mad.gif Yeah, it seems like degree are more important then people who know ythier stuff nowadays rolleyes.gif

Ugh, yeah. I go to a state school and they're not cheap I hate to think what a private school would be like. Are you going to a public or a private college?


Public state school (Cal-State system). No way I could afford to go to even a UC (University of California... like UCLA and UC Berkley) system let along a private school eek.gif

Most of the jobs in my field don't require degrees since they're willing to accept more years of experience in place of one. Given that I've got 12 years in my profession, it usually eliminates the requirement. If I ever wanted to work in private industries that contract to the government, though, a degree is much more important there. Same with going into management (not that I'd want to but there's always the possibility).

Plus, it looks better on my daughter's college application if both parents have degrees from what I've heard wink.gif

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Originally posted by Melanie


Can I have tomorrow off please?


I'd like tomorrow off as well frown.gif

I've got vacation time starting next Wed and going through the Wed after but it's to fly out to New York to go to a damn wedding, stuck with family most of the time. At least the two Wednesdays will be at home relaxing. No real vacation until 12/26.

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Originally posted by niomosy

See, I'm just not the person that can stand up in front of a bunch of people and teach like that. Just not my thing. It doesn't help that I'm really not much on speaking in front of groups in the first place wink.gif


Good that you know that about yourself. However - it's a skill most people can learn - weren't you doing Toastmasters or something recently...? confused.gif

Adult audiences are one thing. Off-task, snarky/rude/obnoxious adolescents are an entirely different species... wink.gif Deep down, many probably want to learn, but boy do they need convincing if they've had crappy experiences with teachers for the previous decade... freak.gif

Ask Mel, she's got the experience. wink.gif

Anyway, the more you speak in front of people, and rehearse what you're doing beforehand, the easier it gets. Much like playing music (live or otherwise). wink.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

Public state school (Cal-State system). No way I could afford to go to even a UC (University of California... like UCLA and UC Berkley) system let along a private school eek.gif

Most of the jobs in my field don't require degrees since they're willing to accept more years of experience in place of one. Given that I've got 12 years in my profession, it usually eliminates the requirement. If I ever wanted to work in private industries that contract to the government, though, a degree is much more important there. Same with going into management (not that I'd want to but there's always the possibility).

Plus, it looks better on my daughter's college application if both parents have degrees from what I've heard wink.gif


Ok. Yeah, public schools do get you more "learning" per dollar.

True, that's how my dad got the job he has now. He has over 30 years of building experience. But all some companies want though is a degree. rolleyes.gif

You, management? biggrin.gifwink.gif

I think her doing well would work better though. wink.gif My sister got into JHU and both of my parents aren't grads from a 4 year school. Although my dad does have a 2 year degree.

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Good that you know that about yourself. However - it's a skill most people can learn - weren't you doing Toastmasters or something recently...? confused.gif

Adult audiences are one thing. Off-task, snarky/rude/obnoxious adolescents are an entirely different species... wink.gif Deep down, many probably want to learn, but boy do they need convincing if they've had crappy experiences with teachers for the previous decade... freak.gif

Ask Mel, she's got the experience. wink.gif

Anyway, the more you speak in front of people, and rehearse what you're doing beforehand, the easier it gets. Much like playing music (live or otherwise). wink.gif


Pretty good memory. I took a speech class a year ago. It definitely helped. I went through my speech several times and had each speech hit pretty well. It didn't stop my knees from damn near collapsing on me my first time up. I was better by the third speech and definitely did my best on it. The funny thing is that I once did some acting in high school, having to play Anthony Michael Hall's part in a scene from The Breakfast Club. The nice thing there is that the lights are on you so you can't see the audience too well.

Music? Hell, I haven't performed in front of anyone other than friends since I was in competitions when I was 5 or 6 years old, playing accordion (back when I could actually read music wink.gif ). It's just one reason why I haven't ever really been in a band that gigged wink.gif

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Originally posted by oldivor

Ok. Yeah, public schools do get you more "learning" per dollar.

True, that's how my dad got the job he has now. He has over 30 years of building experience. But all some companies want though is a degree. rolleyes.gif

You, management? biggrin.gifwink.gif

I think her doing well would work better though. wink.gif My sister got into JHU and both of my parents aren't grads from a 4 year school. Although my dad does have a 2 year degree.


Hey, management's where it's at if I want to get those vendor-sponsored symposiums, golf trips (though I don't play golf), Laker tickets and car allowances on top of more vacation, better bonuses and a cushy salary.

Of course, I don't know that I want to shoot up through management. I don't really have the personality for it right now. I'm too much a techie for it still. Maybe some day I'll lose enough of my mind for management wink.gif

Yeah, some companies just want that piece of paper, even if it's for a degree unrelated to the actual work. It shows you're able to deal with pain and suffering as well as manage enough time management to study and pass classes (or be creative enough to cheat and get away with it), either of which seem to have their place in the corporate world tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

Hey, management's where it's at if I want to get those vendor-sponsored symposiums, golf trips (though I don't play golf), Laker tickets and car allowances on top of more vacation, better bonuses and a cushy salary.

Of course, I don't know that I want to shoot up through management. I don't really have the personality for it right now. I'm too much a techie for it still. Maybe some day I'll lose enough of my mind for management wink.gif

Yeah, some companies just want that piece of paper, even if it's for a degree unrelated to the actual work. It shows you're able to deal with pain and suffering as well as manage enough time management to study and pass classes (or be creative enough to cheat and get away with it), either of which seem to have their place in the corporate world tongue.gifbiggrin.gif




I personally think it's stupid wanting a peice of paper. I mean there's so many people out there that can do the job.

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Originally posted by oldivor

(snipped funny Dilbert pic)


I personally think it's stupid wanting a peice of paper. I mean there's so many people out there that can do the job.


I'm with you. It doesn't make huge amounts of sense in certain fields of work like mine. In others, the bachelors isn't enough. Still, some people put too much importance on it. Hell, out here we get the University of Phoenix throwing out ads about how college graduates make 72% more than non-graduates. I just laugh wink.gif
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