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So, why are you in a band?

Lee Flier

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Originally posted by GWS5987

It's exactly the same three reasons for all singers, musicians, dancers, actors, actress', politicians, etc.




And everything that then goes with it.

Any other reason is pure BS.




Hilariously true.


"THAT is the {censored}ing buzz, man!!!"

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I live to play the gig.

Everything else in my life (with the clear exception of my family) is what I have to do.

Gigging is one of the only things (besides satifying base physical needs) that I actually WANT to do. Look forward to doing.

Get excited about doing.

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Playing the music I have written over the last 10 years with a band is so much more satisfying. There is the "look at me!" factor, yes, but the satisfaction of playing with guys who want to play your stuff and play it well feels great.

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Being on stage is like being in a delivery room. Each time a song gets played it is like birthing a child, having it grow up and then leaving home. The feeling that you get from creating an original song is amazing, and being able to share that with the band is beyond measure.


"I made this" is why I play... with a bit of "Look at me" thrown in as well. ;)

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Lots of great responses! I would say I play in a band because I have to. It's a pretty compelling urge like having a mate or eating. :D The feeling of making music with other people that are invested in developing a sound together, is incredible. And we're all friends and get along personally so it's a social thing as well, like some of the rest of you have said. I tend to think music is really a communal art, unlike writing or painting. It's done best with other people, as much of a pain in the ass as other people can be. :D

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All of us who play in gigging bands know that there are no words to describe the sub-intellectual, almost ethereal level of communication and energy that occurs when a group of disparate musicians and audience members are in the zone. I don't know exactly what it is and it doesn't happen every time but when it does, when the audience 'gets it', when the band members are reading each others' minds and playing from the gut, there is a communicative energy generated that is beyond sexual in its power and addictive properties. That's what keeps us coming back.


Or maybe I just like having my ego stroked.:p

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I really wish I knew. I love it but I don't know why.

All the normal people my age play golf. I see 'em when I drive to rehersal.


(plays harp-sounding day-dream music) I wonder if they think as much about golf as I do music? I wonder if they enjoy it as much? What about painting, hunting, model trains, bowling, knitting, skydiving, AHHHHHHH!

(stops playing harp-sounding day-dream music)


We're the one's that are really having fun. Ain't we???

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Originally posted by Lee Flier

Lots of great responses! I would say I play in a band because I have to. It's a pretty compelling urge like having a mate or eating.




I'm addicted. I can never be truly happy unless I'm doing it, and then only momentarily under specific circumstances.


Can't quite put my finger on exactly what I get out of it, though the guy that said "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" can't really be argued with in most cases! :D


When I started out as a kid, it was simple. I just loved to play bass, and it was more fun with a band.


Then, at 16, something random and life changing happened.


My crappy high school band auditioned a guitar player from the music paper, who turned out to be a lot better than we were so of course he didn't join. But he did invite me to go with him to another audition that night for a band that was also looking for a bassist.


They passed on him and hired me.


It was a house band gig at a strip club, a 9 piece band with horns, keys, the works. In one week, I played for (good) money for the first time, saw my first naked woman, smoked herb for the first time, got seriously drunk for the first time, and got arrested for the first time.


I was in heaven, and I knew this was the life for me! :cool:


I did that for about nine months until the club converted over to DJ music. But by then, the damage was done and there was no going back.


I played in various bands, changed to guitar at some point, sent in a basement tape to MTV, made a few vinyl albums and then a CD or two. Played covers, originals, everything from metal to rock to country, none of it particularly well. I liked the lifestyle, the travel, and especially the girls.


Then I made a mistake. I opened a recording studio, met some country players, decided to grab a little extra cash doing live shows, and got picked up by some country stars and taken on tour. I liked the cash and the big venues, so I put down the guitar for a long time. Eventually, I walked away from a dream career that a lot of guys would have killed for, because what I really wanted to do was play.


I've pretty much written my life story during this period over on the Stupid Stories Thread .


So now I'm a mess. I have a day job as a university scientist, a wife, a house, a cat, and a pretty nice recording studio. But I still want to get out and play. Yet, I miss the thrill of being at the controls during a huge production. I'm not one tenth the player compared to some of the guys I've worked (George Strait's excellent band comes to mind) so it's unlikely I'll be seeing those venues from the stage anytime soon.


But I'm working on it. :)


I can't give it up, it's in my blood. I've even written a couple songs about that, maybe I'll post an MP3 of one sometime.




Terry D.

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USed to be to make a living

Used to be to feed the music habit

Used to have control of me...

now it's for fun.


The band I'm in is actually a bunch of guys who were recruited by the singer. She has a talent for finding gigs...I've worked with her now for about 6 years since my divorce. We tear the roof off a bar about 50 miles from my house every month or so for 2 nights.


i try very hard not to repeat a song from the previous night. We excell in adlibing songs we've never played before, have no ego, or other usuall issues associated with most "bands".


After 10 hours of this (5 per night) My various addictions (all musical) have been sated until about a week later..then that urge to play live starts tilckling my brain..


Also, we play what we want, how we want to play it. No "dinner sets" no "turn it down" bs.


We have a great time, and usually the audience does too!

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I'm in a band because I like to play guitar / sing, ATTENTION on stage and writing great music with your friends. Drink a lot on stage (well my guitarist and bassguitarist, me and drummer need to be sober ;) at least, a little bit )


Performing and having a good time with the crowd is {censored}ing awesome, it's just the thing I wanna do. Period.

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I'm a very reactionary player. I play bass, and on my own I don't get much out of noodling. I like enhancing other people's music a lot. I like being a team player. All that stuff.


Honestly, while I enjoy playing gigs, I enjoy playing with people on a regular basis just about as much.

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Playing live gives me that endorphin rush that makes me able to get through the rest of my humdrum life. I don't do it for the money, the fans, or the girls (rare, but even us old geezers get an offer now and then). I say I don't do it for the money, but OTOH, as some of you already know about me I won't play for free except for that very occasional charity gig.

Man, playing is my identity.

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1. I am not good enough to make all music on my own. I mean, I can sit at my PC and program some drums, bass and keys, but I believe that the input of real players is necessary. I also can't sing :p


2. Playing with the band is the real thing. It's like sex, you need someone else to have a real sex.

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I saw my first concert at 15.. Styx... and they were at the height of their careers.. talk about shock and awe.. I was absolutely blown away. The whole crowd was going nuts and the band looked like they were having the time of their lives and playing just for us.... I was hooked.


I saved my money that summer and bought an old Hondo LP copy and a used Yamaha 1x12 combo. I literally played til my fingers bled. I listened to every album I had and messed alot of them up by picking up the needle and moving it back a 1/4" or so to get that part just right. I met a few noodler wannabees like me in high school and we were off. We played anywhere they would let us and some places that didn't until we'd get shut down... the best part was the chicks!


To attempt to get to the end, I will skip some time. In a nutshell, life got in the way after high school and I didn't pick up a guitar for nearly 20 years. My oldest son wanted a guitar for Christmas, I got him one, and taught him some basics to get started. He had a friend come over to jam one night and he brought his dad.. who was in a band. We played together for about 10 mins, and he asked if I was interested in playing in his band... like riding a bicycle. That was 5 years and more than a few thousand dollars ago.


The chick thing ain't what it used to be, but it is amusing when some 40ish year old woman (my age) with a few drinks in her yells something after a song that makes me grin. I am all about the music.. something lit back in those early days that stayed with me and I didn't know it until recently. Once in your blood, you are hooked.

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1. Fun. I work in the music industry, but this is the one music-related thing I do that has nothing to do with work.


2. To become a better guitar player. I started to learn about seven years ago, but my playing has improved ten times more in the eight months since I've been involved in our band.


3. Too much money. Last year, I came dangerously close to having a healthy bank balance, but luckily I found a new, expensive habit just in the nick of time.

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Originally posted by GWS5987

It's exactly the same three reasons for all singers, musicians, dancers, actors, actress', politicians, etc.




And everything that then goes with it.

Any other reason is pure BS.



That's it for me.


The attention whore in me needs validation!



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I am a multi-dimensional being with a soul. This physical, egotistical personality you now see is a small part of who I really am.


My inner being is magnificient. It knows and sees the most fabulous visions of eternal glory. It is a creator.. and therefore, so am I.


This personality is like those natives who see an airplane and then build a straw replica to honor it.

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