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So, why are you in a band?

Lee Flier

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Because we can't do it all live ourselves. We dig that interaction, that unholy noise that's made after the drummer clicks four on his sticks.


We're gluttons for punishment. Being married to one person isn't enough, we want to argue, as if we were married, to three or four other people.


Because...hmmm...it's the best high anyone ever invented...

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When I was a wee lil chap I used to turn off all the lights in my bedroom, turn on some old christmas lights my parents had, and then listen to Kiss Alive II through headphones while staring at the pictures on the album til my eyes glossed over. Just imagining what it must be like to have all those people going completely berserk over your band... not to mention the God-factor of all that power coming from the stage and being washed in all those lights... what a spectacle.


It deeply engrained in me a strong need to be a rockstar. I've spent the rest of my life tryin to feed that inner child's wishes.

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Mainly because its fun. I question as I approach 50 if my motivation is shifting from the fun of playing, period, to the love of performing. We've just started our tenth year together and stay a little busier than we'd probably like but its just such a rush to get a club hopping even if it is with covers.

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Because that's what I do. Who would have thought that back in 1953 when I was picking out my first recognizable melodies that all those years of gigging would follow.


I quit a couple of years ago because of my heart. I've got that patched up and now I'm back after it again.


Years ago I used to joke with my old bass player that we'd end up in nursing homes playing for geriatric hippies. Nowadays that doesn't seem so far fetched. :eek::D

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two bands -- one for artistic expression that makes me happy (and sometimes fans too). one that pays pretty well and makes bar crowds happy -- I enjoy that too. one way of the other, it's about connecting with other musicians and crowds for me.

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Im in a band because.....


Practice is awesome we drink have a laugh and generally arse around, while making some great music


Talking about it is good to other people and band mates.


Being in a band is cool.


And last but not least theres the chance that one day i'll be mad famous and rich

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It's fun. Being onstage is a great high. Plus you get to make music (in my case, almost all the music both bands do is original) and meet cool people.


Plus by being in a band I bankroll making a record every few years. All the money from my main band goes into a merch/recording fund.



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As a teen I was so deathly shy and afraid to talk to girls that I HAD to think of another way to get noticed by them. I loved rock music, esp. guitar, so I got my ma to by me a tiesco ( is that right ?) and a cheapy amp. Whaddaya know, after about three months I was starting to get the hang of it ( had exactly one lesson, then my teacher quit - my ego wasn't sure how to take that ) and I graduated to a tele copy and a better amp. At a year I got my first real Fender Stratocaster, black w/white accesories like Claptons' Blackie. I still have it ( 30 years later ) , though it's been through a lot of changes, just like me. And I got in my first band. And I GOT LAID for the first time ! My plan worked ! Over and over again ! THAT'S why I got in a band.

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I play in a band, because I like it. I consider the band my family and we spend a lot of time together. I really like that. And also all of us listen to all kinds of music what makes our sound somehow different (well really, when ppl asked me what it's like what we play, I couldn't really tell exactly what it's like). And I think all of us enjoy what we're doing...

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Save for our drummer, we've been together since high-school, that's almost 15 years! I couldn't see myself living any other way. I feel more at home on a stage than.. at home!


Give me a Gibson plugged into a Marshall, an audience, and these 3 guys and I become another person. I'm kinda like a werewolf, and I prefer being a wolf!

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It's exactly the same three reasons for all singers, musicians, dancers, actors, actress', politicians, etc.








And everything that then goes with it.


Any other reason is pure BS.



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