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Venue's closing and doesn't tell us?!?


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We were setting up for a show last night and our bass player noticed all of these posters hung up on the walls that were promoting the venue's closing party next week.


We've had October 1st booked for the past eight months and they never bothered to tell us until last night!





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A few weeks ago we were setting up and noticed that at the bar across the street a van full of gear pulls up. The club was not open yet so they waited for a moment and then proceeded to unload their truck in front of the door to get a head start. At around 8:00 they packed it back up and left. That club is still closed and I guess they were'nt the only band to show up to find the place locked up tight.

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Having had that happen a time or two, I now confirm a day or so in advance...although once I called the morning of the gig, then drove almost 300 miles, only to find out that the venue had decided to close early, because business had ben very slow all day...I ended up doing an unplugged show from the bed of my pickup to the two dozen folks who came that night...


That particular venue STILL bitches about never having much of a turn-out... :rolleyes:

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All of you guys are more lucky than you know.


I guy I know had a gig back in Michigan. The owner didn't say {censored}...the band set up and played. They went home that night leaving their stuff set up for the next night's gig.


They got there the next night and found a padlock on the door with all of their stuff inside. I can't remember how long it took 'em, a few days or maybe weeks, 'til they were able to convince someone to let 'em get their gear out.


Be careful about that stuff.

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Originally posted by Tedster

They got there the next night and found a padlock on the door with all of their stuff inside.

Be careful about that stuff.


Billy Bob's, the famed Ft. Worth country bar, went into bankrupcy a time or two (or three... :rolleyes: ) I remember hearing a story about a band (there used to be as many as 4 bands playing on different stages on any given night) who managed to talk the Deputy who had padlocked the door into letting them go in and get their gear off their stage by explaining that without it, they couldn't work anywhere else. But while they were loading out their own gear, they kinda loaded the monitor speakers and amp racks, too. The way it was explained to me, the band wasn't trying to 'steal them, but figured that the monitors wouldn't be missed until the club re-opened, and that they OUGHT to be used... The band eventually got a phone call and delivered the monitors that afternoon, with a note of thanks.

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It was our last booking with them but it was New Years Eve and I got a call that afternoon from our lead singer that he had heard it was going to be the club's last night. I knew the ticket prices were high (package deal) and was already worried the crowd the crowd would be thin, I'm thinking we need cash, no checks tonight. The place was absolutely packed when we got there but my wife came up to me while I was setting up and said that the management was telling everybody that it was their last night. Now I know I have to get cash!!!!!! Like most New Years Eves, it was a mixed crowd but we won them over and had a great time. When the man came to pay me I was tickled that he had a handful of cash, no tip but at least no check. Of course, they didn't exactly forget me when it was time to send out the 1099"s.

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Originally posted by Tedster

They got there the next night and found a padlock on the door with all of their stuff inside.


That happened to my old band in Dayton Ohio. It was a complicated story, involving the drummer getting in a fight with the head waitress on Friday, her boyfriend (a cop) arresting the guitarist that night after the gig on trumped-up charges, the club's owner (and head waitresses' dad) having a heart attack, and the club being locked up on Saturday. It took a court order and three days to get our gear out. Club went out of business and that band fell apart soon after, sad story.

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A few months back an area club closed without much notice. Some of us locals had heard rumors that it was possibly going to happen. Unfortunately for some of the regional/touring bands that had gigs lined up they weren't told and found themselves in front of a closed up club.

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In January we had a coffee house gig in Cadillac. We arrived at 6PM and the place was closed up tight. The owner said he would close late afternoon and run home, then reopen when it was time for us to play. He never showed up.


We walked across the street to a bar to have a cold one and cry in our beer, and I brazenly asked the bar owner if she'd like a band for the night. We had all of our acoustic stuff in the truck anyway. No charge, just let us put out a tip jar.


She agreed, and her fella tossed $100 in the tip jar to start things up, and we ended up with a monthly acoustic gig at their bar.


The coffee house wasn't closed, the owner just blew us off. I called once and he said he'd call me back and never did. Jerkoff. But talk about landing on our feet!

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We had the same kind of thing happen to us once but it was a death in the family that caused the venue to close and was understandable.


On the way back we passed through a small town and stopped at a bar that had a dozen or so Harleys parked out front. We offered them a free show and they got on the phones and packed the place.


We played there once a month for a couple of years. They got shut down for after hours operation or we would still be their once a month house band.:(

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