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Have any of you ever played a strip club?


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Well we never have ... although we did a promo with the local radio station for a few years that... yes involved strippers. Every year the AM DJ's of the local FM rock station would hold "BreastFest" .. an on air event right before Thanksgiving. They would take over a local bar, get about 30 Turkeys , deep fry them and then gave the local strip club bring 10-15 girls to mull around the population. So it amounted 30 Turkeys, 15 strippers and 100 horny guys all there in the wee hours between 6am and 10pm calling in late to work.


I was cleaning out a folder with a bunch of demo songs when I came across this audio clip from the FM station's soundboard. The quality wasn't very good, but it is pretty funny. The song we pretty much ad libbed and mashed through. Keep in mind we played AC/DC, Cheap Trick and Metallica all morning long. I think we had played this song only once, a year before, at corporate party by request.


I never really listened to what we played until just now. Our singer took some pretty hysterical liberties with the lyrics. Nice for a quick laugh! :D


The Lap Dance Song








OK... it's official. I know we're going to hell:D

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I used to do gigs at a club in north central MN that had strippers on Thurs and Fri nights. Then after the strippers were done the band would play. A lot of the time we would be setting up our gear as the girls were dancing. The stage had a removable runway kind of thing that the girls would dance on that connected to the stage. There were a couple of times where I would be micing up the drums or a guitar cab and the stripper decided that I made a nice prop. :D I turn around and there would be ass or tits in my face, lol.:thu:

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I've never played a strip club but I played a private party once (in a backroom of a bar) where there were strippers. Obviously it was a good time but I'm not sure I'm in a hurry to do it again. Course I do have a gf now so it's different.


Cause it's too damn distracting. Halfway through the first song I was more concentrated on getting some action.



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That's where I got my start, when I was a 16 yo bass player. Saw my first naked woman, smoked my first joint, got drunk for the first time, got arrested - all in the first week I worked there.


My path in life was clear right then and there. :love:


Terry D.

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We've played lots of gigs that had adjacent stripper-rooms. Hell, half the time the club puts the strippers and the band in the same hotels etc.


Strippers and band members have a common spirit somehow...


Although, a stripper when she's in character, is a real big turn off to me. Once you get them in some sweat pants and tennis shoes, many are cool.

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When I was in college, one of my first gigs was at a strip club. Four 18-year old kids trying to be ultracool and put up a front as if the whole women getting naked in front of us was no big thing.


But when this exceptionally cute girl (she couldn't have been too much older than we were) started doing that thing with the tassels where they rotate in different directions at the same time, we pretty much lost it. We all stopped playing and just started screaming.


Ah, those were the good old days.

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There's a club in Minot, ND that has bands upstairs, and strippers downstairs. They furnished a band house that was split in two...the band got one part and the girls got the other part. Many a party was had, I can tell you.


A club that just recently "went country" here in Lincoln used to have dancers during the day and rock bands at night. They'd be walking back and forth between the dressing room and their stage while we were setting up on the main stage. It was quite a distraction at first, I can tell you.


As if that wasn't enough, on Wednesday nights the club had "amateur night" and the band would play while girls would dance on the floor competing for prize money. It was always a nice show for the band, but it was hard to play the song for 10 minutes! If she was still collecting tips, we were to keep playing, and sometimes that would go on and on and on. Occasionally there would be a couple of pros getting in on it, but the true amateurs usually got better tips because of their "girl next door" status.

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I've played one in town a couple of times. The owners are very professional and dare I say even generous ( free beer and they once actually said "You brought a good crowd here's some extra cash" you don't hear that too much). It's a fun night and fairly easy work as they only want to do a show case for the dancers with a band three times a night. So we do 3 songs at 11, 3 at 12 and 3 at 1:00. Personally I wish we could play a little more. The dancers are cool. We're not there to pick them up and we know they're not there to be picked up. Hey it's just business. Now going to strip clubs on out of town gigs is another story.


I think the last time we decide to play there I'm going to take a run at one of those brass poles and do a spin before they take me outside and kick the {censored} at me.

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