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ok headset microphones w/IEM,ok cool or no ok cool?

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Headset mics can be pretty pricey to get a good one. Most I have heard, even in the pricier realm, have sounded thin and tinney. I say if you find a great sounding unit, buy it and use it!



That's a fact, they're thin and need EQ. Big dog, big bark, little dog, little bark.


Terry D.

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But, I do feel kind of dorky wearing it. And it has the drawbacks others have mentioned - can't cough, cue somebody, etc. The other thing I don't recall anybody mentioning is you can't change your length from your mouth to your mic to change your volume. That's another big drawback.



Aside from the aesthetic issues, which I think do matter, I see the fact that you can't "work the mic" as a real significant drawback. I change my distance from the mic a lot when singing and I can't imagine being limited to a set distance from it.

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My rule of thumb is that head set mics should be worn ONLY by drummers or percussionists, where leaning in to a mic to sing may physically be improbably or impossible.


Thank God someone else mentioned Kip Winger... :D

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So, which is it?
(You guys forgot Devo, by the way)


What is with all of this "conforming" nonsense? Rock has rebellion in it's roots. So now bands are supposed to conform to be a rebel?

Don't listen to other people who make judgements for you. Besides, has the demand of Conformance of the people in this thread brought them fame? Nope.

Of all the local bands Kiss knew when they were starting out, which one painted their faces when playing rock? Which one became famous? Ask Gene Simmons how many people told them NOT to paint their faces (there were a lot of "experts").



Somehow, spending huge $$$ on a pricey headset unit that you have to "suit up" into so that you can bob your head more effectively to "Celebration" to get the crowd going seems like the more conformist thing to do. :freak:

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Headset mike on a frontman?


No freaking way...


I don't see the problem for drummers or keyboard players though.


There used to be a local cover band called "The Bad Guys" that all wore headset mics - they were the epitome of cheese but then again they did get some sweet gigs.

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I have to admit, the old band that I was in before my current one, we went completely wireless...headset mics, guitar packs, you name it. The songs we did (dance stuff, current cover material, et al) lent themselves to that whole shtick, AND it afforded us to chance to get out and interact with the audience more, and was a great visual since nobody else was doing it at the time. So I can't clown someone for going that route.


That said, anyone who brings me a headset in the band I'm in now and actually expects me to use it runs the risk of getting a headset suppository with no KY or vasoline to be had. :mad:

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Somehow, spending huge $$$ on a pricey headset unit that you have to "suit up" into so that you can bob your head more effectively to "Celebration" to get the crowd going seems like the more conformist thing to do.

I didn't want to comment on bands like yours, but ...


In general, I don't worry about what other musicians think. If anything, they are the competition. The audience makes the decisions.


Amazing how "working the mic" comes out of the woodwork only when it comes to headset mics. In all of these forums the topic is extremely rare when it comes to all of the other mic options. I think most of you are just being contrarian.


Look at any pics of any band pics you see on this forum (and even so-called Pros). Most pics will show all of the vocalists swallowing the mic. For backup vocalists, a consistent proximity would be ideal.

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Amazing how "working the mic" comes out of the woodwork only when it comes to headset mics. In all of these forums the topic is extremely rare when it comes to all of the other mic options.


I'm a sucky novice singer and even I use mic proximity as a tool. :confused:

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My drummer used to use a headset...he had all sorts of trouble with it. The connection between the headset and the transmitter was dodgy at best, and the wrong movement brought huge ugly noises through the PA and monitors. He's now using a mic on a stand, and it may be in the way for him, but it sounds 100% better. Considering that he sings almost 50% of our lead vocals, it's nice to have him sounding good.


Now that we've got his vocals sorted out, the bass player (that sings almost 50% of our lead vocals) has decided that he wants to use *his* headset mic, which had been previously retired. He says he wants it so he can move around, but I've watched him and IMO it's so he can look at the neck while singing.


It gives our soundman fits, and IMO doesn't help his stage presence any...all it does is allow him to watch his hands while he's singing. On the plus side, he tanks fewer notes if he's looking at the neck.


I love being wireless, but I hate headsets. I'd never use one, and I'd prefer that nobody else in my band use one either.

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I didn't want to comment on bands like yours, but ...

In general, I don't worry about what other musicians think. If anything, they are the competition. The audience makes the decisions.

Amazing how "working the mic" comes out of the woodwork only when it comes to headset mics. In all of these forums the topic is extremely rare when it comes to all of the other mic options. I think most of you are just being contrarian.

Look at any pics of any band pics you see on this forum (and even so-called Pros). Most pics will show all of the vocalists swallowing the mic. For backup vocalists, a consistent proximity would be ideal.



I'm not sure how that relates to "bands like mine", but for the record I never said anything about mic proximity.


I just think it looks silly.


I saw an ad a while back for a two-shouldered guitar strap. The concept was that the guitar sits more balanced, doesn't weigh down your shoulder, and is much more comfortable to wear. The only problem was that it made you look like an 9th grade girl carrying her math homework to first period. For some reason I've never seen anyone actually wearing one.


I think all gigging musicians will agree that your image is a part of your band and how you present yourself matters. If your band and style of music fits with a headset mic, go for it. But I can tell you I won't ever be caught dead in one....

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I think all gigging musicians will agree that your image is a part of your band and how you present yourself matters. If your band and style of music fits with a headset mic, go for it. But I can tell you I won't ever be caught dead in one....




D to the I to the TTO. Can't rock in a headset.

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What is with all of this "conforming" nonsense? Rock has rebellion in it's roots. So now bands are supposed to conform to be a rebel?


Personally, I have never conformed to rebellion!!!:p



Don't listen to other people who make judgements for you. Besides, has the demand of Conformance of the people in this thread brought them fame? Nope.

Of all the local bands Kiss knew when they were starting out, which one painted their faces when playing rock? Which one became famous? Ask Gene Simmons how many people told them NOT to paint their faces (there were a lot of "experts").


Excellent points. (What, no "clapping Smiley"?) All of the "experts" who told these bands NOT to do their own schtick are successful and famous musicians themselves by now. NOT!!!! :rolleyes:

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