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The age old conundrum- Need experience to get a gig, but...


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You need gigs to get experience. My cover band is going through this right now. Any good tips on how to find the right venues? We have the press kit with pics and the 3 song demo, but most places also want to see or hear some live shots too. Would it be worth it to record a rehearsal? How long does it usually take? I know in my former original bands, I had 2-3 clubs I could count on even with a new band, but that was back in baltimore.

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You need gigs to get experience. My cover band is going through this right now. Any good tips on how to find the right venues? We have the press kit with pics and the 3 song demo, but most places also want to see or hear some live shots too. Would it be worth it to record a rehearsal? How long does it usually take? I know in my former original bands, I had 2-3 clubs I could count on even with a new band, but that was back in baltimore.


Are you friends with any other bands? I realize that cover bands rarely share bills outside of the occasional festival circuit. But if nothing else having an already established band vouche for you can help to get future dates, or even fill in if they cant make a gig? :idea:

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You need gigs to get experience. My cover band is going through this right now. Any good tips on how to find the right venues? We have the press kit with pics and the 3 song demo, but most places also want to see or hear some live shots too. Would it be worth it to record a rehearsal? How long does it usually take? I know in my former original bands, I had 2-3 clubs I could count on even with a new band, but that was back in baltimore.



I've never gone through this in my entire life..If you are good, go to a place with a video or DVD and a small player or laptop..get the manager to give you 2 minutes....Done deal...Pics and a studio demo don't mean {censored}..anything you give them has to be live! Yes a recorded Rehearsal of better yet, a Video of a reheasal put on DVD as stated.

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I don't know I usually have quite a different problem....clubs wanting to book us before we have a band, or before we get our promo stuff done. I still don't have a complete promo kit the way I'd like too, but I have two tips that have always worked for me.


1.) Do everything proffesionally. Don't do pics with a disposable camera and then blow them up on your scanner and expect the club owner to not notice.


2.) Follow up on all calls and emails. If you don't here back in several days the club owner has forgotten, not that he don't want to book you. If a club doens't want you they will say so.


On a final note use only the best. If you have 5 songs recorded but only 2 are done just ship the 2 good ones don't put them all on there and hope that they don't listen to them. Same things with pics. Pic the best 1 or 2 but no marginal shots. You would also be surprised how far a good logo will take you. I thought nothing of it when I made it, but almost every place we booked so far has mention the blue lime. Bring something memorable.

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So it's really just good marketting? Not that this in any way surprises me, I have been doing this for a while :) We had a fill in gig, but the guys who we were suppossed to fill in for were able to cover it, so it was a no go. Guess I just have to be persistant and patient. I hate doing that ;)

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