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Good Report from audition!

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We walked into rehersal last night and there were six people sitting there. We found out that the sound guy had notified our bass player that upon his approval, he was bringing these people that were all local club owners in order to hear the band for possible gigs.


After three songs we got two of the clubs, after six songs we were in with all of them. We start June 2nd and are booked now through the month!....


thank god we were all on!!....lol...:thu:

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Glad it worked out.......however, is the sound man working for the band, or is it the other way around? Or is just the sound man and the bass player running the show? I would be highly pissed if I walked into a rehearsal only to find out it was an auditon for 6 CLUBS!!!!!!!!!!! and I wasn't consulted about it or AT LEAST told about it beforehand.....But maybe that's just me! Like I said, glad it worked out.

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Glad it worked out.......however, is the sound man working for the band, or is it the other way around?




Yea, I see what your saying, and to tell you the truth...at first I was kinda pissed. But the sound guy had contacts with these people from years of playing in the area. The Bass guy kind of brought us all together and so I figured wtf...we'll play it just like a normal rehersal.


We griped alittle bit but the Bass player had tried to get hold of us before hand to give us a heads up.


In the end, it all worked out and its cool..but man, if we would have failed miserably, I would have been ticked!...

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I understand everybody's issue that communication was a little sketchy in this situation ... but hey, how can you argue with success? Walk into rehearsal with nothin'....walk out with 6 different venues worth of gigs? You gotta give whoever set it up some credit for having taken the initiative and having the contacts to make it happen.


I'd give my left nut if one of my bandmates "sprung" such a great surprise on me!

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It sounds like your sound man is taking on the position of quasi manager or booking agent. If is he good at sound, has good gear and knows how to conduct a good solid biz relationship ,, i dont see it as having much of a downside.


I was only in one band with a mgr. He had the practice space and he got the bookings. All i know is that I had my ass on local TV when i was 16 years old with the band and kept us in gigs. In any biz ,, who you know means alot. Sounds like you got yourself a winner.

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...to get owners from 6 different clubs to take time out of their day to come to YOUR practice space to listen to a band they've never heard of?!


The soundguy must have video on them, or something. That {censored} just doesn't happen in RL without the proper motivators.

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...to get owners from 6 different clubs to take time out of their day to come to YOUR practice space to listen to a band they've never heard of?!

The soundguy must have video on them, or something. That {censored} just doesn't happen in RL without the proper motivators.

Right. :lol:


We had one club owner come out and see us - he said he wanted us to play his club, blah blah blah.


A couple of us checked it out - the "stage" was so tiny it won't even fit a four piece drumkit and a combo amp - guy was a total clown, basically.

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We had one club owner come out and see us - he said he wanted us to play his club, blah blah blah.

A couple of us checked it out - the "stage" was so tiny it won't even fit a four piece drumkit and a combo amp - guy was a total clown, basically.


They are all clowns but they run the "Circus"

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...to get owners from 6 different clubs to take time out of their day to come to YOUR practice space to listen to a band they've never heard of?!

The soundguy must have video on them, or something. That {censored} just doesn't happen in RL without the proper motivators.



No kiddin'!

Having someone with those kinds of connections, associated with your band, can only be a good thing. That's certainly a luxury most bands don't have. He must feel confident that you guys are ready. Congratulations!

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