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Slowly... but surely...


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Things finally seem to be looking up for us... after playing numerous backyard BBQs and low-scale bar gigs, and slowly upgrading the PA, the calls are starting to come in - better paying gigs and multiple dates - no audio or video demos needed whatsoever. Word seems to be spreading to points north, too. Just got a call for a gig an hour outside of our "normal" turf.


It's funny... there are so many things about us that we want to fix, but that doesn't seem to be getting in our way. I guess all we can do is take the gigs, press on, and fix what we can when we can! :thu:


This beer helps, too. :D

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We have 13 gigs on the books between now and Dec 10. When we had a better, tighter lineup we played maybe 2 shows a month if we were lucky. Now we concentrate on the fun and it's paying off in spades!


If I can get 5 more years out of this, I'll be a happy man!

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Congrats :thu::thu:. Fun is the key.


Keep playing 3 gigs a month and the "tightness" will come. I forget all the time that we've only been playing out since January. Some things take time. I expect us to be a whole new band this time next year.


EDIT: I'm sure y'all see the same (I hit the reply button too quickly) :D

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:thu:See... Mike. Holding back, retooling the band, working on things that matter... now your finding your reputation is growing in a positive way and gigs are finding you, rather than you trying to beat them down. It's a much better strategy that trying to sell over yourselves for gigs you are not ready for... or could be ready, but you just need more time and prep for a better representation (last year when you had your back issue and lost that agency booking). Let your reputation grow and other bands will create opportunities for you. I'm serious when I say that we never pursued our Budweiser sponsorship years ago... instead another band that went after it proved unreliable and unappreciative of it and the distributor came to us with an offer. Bands that have the gigs that you seek will break up, flake out, piss off and flame out while you will remain committed and consistent. Keep growing it, be strategic and soon you have the gigs and be at a pay level you feel will be worth the efforts and rewards that follow.

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:thu:See... Mike. Holding back, retooling the band, working on things that matter... now your finding your reputation is growing in a positive way and gigs are finding you, rather than you trying to beat them down. It's a much better strategy that trying to sell over yourselves for gigs you are not ready for... or could be ready, but you just need more time and prep for a better representation (last year when you had your back issue and lost that agency booking).

Let your reputation grow and other bands will create opportunities for you.





We've got a band meeting scheduled where we'll be setting goals for PA, overall sound, better presentation, and pay increases for next years gigs.


We've already secured one bi-monthly gig throughout the year, as a result of basically being steadfast, patient and reliable.


I'm with you Grant: there are no shortcuts - you gotta get out there and pay your dues and be in it to win it. Everybody wants to get in a hurry and get more out than they put in.


It doesn't work that way: you get out what you put in. This year concludes our 2nd full year of operation. Other bands have been together even longer, and are more ahead of the curve.


I've never understood really why people think they can slap a band together in a basement and have it compete with bands that have been proving themselves in the field for years?


That "hit and run" mentality is nowhere.

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