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Wow, so the last few months have been bonkers. We've been playing a ton of shows, recorded our album, and somehow, we got a gig at the House of Blues in Houston on 9/4. It's a little crazy, but we're going to go with it and see what happens.


There are new tracks at our reverbnation site if you're interested in hearing what the album sounds like. We're pretty excited. (!!!)


I'm going to go read posts now. :)



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I kinda ribbed you for asking for dough from fans to record your record, and I'm wondering how that worked out. Did donations amount to a significant part of the recording costs, and were they the deciding factor in your ability to record the record? BTW, congrats on your progess!

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Hey! We raised over $4000 on Kickstarter.com and basically, if we had not succeeded in raising the funds, we would not have been able to record the album. So...they were a major factor in our ability to record. It has been an interesting process. I now know a lot of things I would do differently, but I'm pretty happy with the progress we've made up to this point, too.

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