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at war with the DJ


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Last night we played a club that had a DJ who played during our breaks. He had instructed us to give him a heads up before the end of every set so he cold do a seamless transition. Near the end of our third set our drummer got a cramp and asked us to end early. The DJ was nowhere to be seen but walked back in just as we were announcing our break. He went ballistic saying we made him look bad. When our break was over we came back to the stage and he left us standing there waiting for three additional songs. When our last set was over with he cranked the volume up to a level that made it impossible to be near the stage for more than a minute at a time. I had to go to the bathroom and stuff tissue in my ears. We cleared the stage as quickly as we could and piled our gear up outside the door. Anybody ever had a case of DJ gone wild?

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It's been awhile - but yes, I've had a couple of incidents with DJ's. One of 'em used to look at our set list - and cue up the original artist version of whatever tune we had slotted to open our set. I took him aside and explained that we'd really appreciate it if he wouldn't do that. But, it continued - complete with him smiling at us whenever it did. :facepalm: We actually started putting a "dummy" first tune on the list ... and opening our set with the 2nd tune or 3rd tune on the list - depending on what the DJ played. I heard that he sustained some damage to his car out in the lot one night .... I kinda figured it was a case of karma being a bitch.


I've never really understood the DJs whose behavior screams that they believe they are somehow competing with the band as another musician. Whether it be by paralleling the band's playlist, or with the volume knob - or by smartass comments on the mic - the tantrums seem pretty transparent.

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DJ's are frustrated musicians...same as karaoke singers!


I'll happily take whatever heat comes my way for the next comment .... I can readily understand karaoke singers being frustrated musicians - they're actually singing. However, near as I can tell, the typical "band break" bar DJs' craft revolves around turning a volume know - and maybe screaming unintelligably into an overdriven microphone (and usually a cheap overdriven mic at that!). If that's what qualifies them to be considered frustrated musicians - then, any of us stuck in freeway traffic should be able to claim that we're simply frustrated astronauts.

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Most DJs in the clubs we play that have them are pretty cool. They ask for setlists to make sure they don't step on our toes, and always give us a great introduction.


Tearing down while they're still going is pretty tough. They do get LOUD!

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we played a place once where the "dj" played the entire third eye blind album with semi charmed life. He was thoughtful enough to leave that out since it was on our set list. I'm glad he made $200 for playing a cd while we split our pay 5 ways.


... I'm becoming a DJ!

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We were sick of competing with DJ's... that's why we hired one. :D. Seriously though... we had plenty of situations where DJ's would still play songs from our setlist (despite fair warning) or would treat us less than terrifically. If it was a 'house' DJ we always deferred as if we were a guest playing in his house. If it was a DJ on rotation and he was an ass .... well we would do our best to outshine him... which usually wasn't too hard.

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Last night we played a club that had a DJ who played during our breaks. He had instructed us to give him a heads up before the end of every set so he cold do a seamless transition. Near the end of our third set our drummer got a cramp and asked us to end early. The DJ was nowhere to be seen but walked back in just as we were announcing our break. He went ballistic saying we made him look bad. When our break was over we came back to the stage and he left us standing there waiting for three additional songs. When our last set was over with he cranked the volume up to a level that made it impossible to be near the stage for more than a minute at a time. I had to go to the bathroom and stuff tissue in my ears. We cleared the stage as quickly as we could and piled our gear up outside the door. Anybody ever had a case of DJ gone wild?




And this idiot doesn't think that having a hissy fit and playing music that is far louder than the band isn't making him look bad? Sounds like you need to have a conversation with the management. The DJ is an unprofessional tool. He'd have been going home with a few broken cables if he'd have pulled that stuff with me, because I'd have jerked them out of his system.

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we were playing a place last year at this time where we were doing a 7 to 10 show , with a DJ comming on after us that played music till closing. He was always in a hurry to go on and would fire up while we were loading out. It was loud as hell. I didnt appreciate it and it was annoying loading out in all that noise after you just got done playing 3 hour. I just got out of there as fast as i could. This guy would even do that when the place was dead. I figured he was just pissing on a lamp post to make his mark.

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I had a similar tiff with a DJ a few years back when this club we regularly play tried having a local ex-radio DJ do his thing during band breaks (in this case, his thing was simply playing the same tired party songs that he's been playing for years). Anyway, right before we went back up for our next set, my bass player started tuning. He doesn't have a tuner that mutes his signal, so his bass was audible. The DJ came storming up to me angrily, telling me that "I don't play over your set, man. Why the hell are you playing over mine?" I apologized and smoothed things over as best I could, but I felt a bit miffed at the guy for being such a dick about it.

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We were sick of competing with DJ's... that's why we hired one.
. Seriously though... we had plenty of situations where DJ's would still play songs from our setlist (despite fair warning) or would treat us less than terrifically. If it was a 'house' DJ we always deferred as if we were a guest playing in his house. If it was a DJ on rotation and he was an ass .... well we would do our best to outshine him... which usually wasn't too hard.


We are "adding" a DJ as well. It's our rythym guitarist who used to DJ for 8 years and his macbook. Ta dah Insta-DJ! It's basically going to be him mixing stuff at home then playing it back with "seamless" transitions on his macbook. That way we can market ourselves as having the "best of both worlds"... can't wait lol

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we were playing a place last year at this time where we were doing a 7 to 10 show , with a DJ comming on after us that played music till closing. He was always in a hurry to go on and would fire up while we were loading out. It was loud as hell. I didnt appreciate it and it was annoying loading out in all that noise after you just got done playing 3 hour. I just got out of there as fast as i could. This guy would even do that when the place was dead. I figured he was just pissing on a lamp post to make his mark.



The bar cleared out in about 30 seconds so at first we were wondering if that was why he did it but he kept it up even after we had everything outside and were driving away. He had 2X15 JBL's on either side of the stage and I had no idea they could get that loud. I think they are rated 500 watts rms and we were thinking he would blow out the voice coils. I agree that he was making his mark.

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I hate clubs that use DJs when the band takes a break. They always play inappropriate music and they always play it louder than the band. Seems like those clubs and their DJs go out of their way to make the band look and sound bad. I don't get it. We usually won't play under those circumstances as you're usually being set up to fail.

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When our last set was over with he cranked the volume up to a level that made it impossible to be near the stage for more than a minute at a time.

I had a sound guy do this once, playing the same Stone Temple Pilots song over and over, but I think he was just a dumbass and not a psycho like your guy.

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We are "adding" a DJ as well. It's our rythym guitarist who used to DJ for 8 years and his macbook. Ta dah Insta-DJ! It's basically going to be him mixing stuff at home then playing it back with "seamless" transitions on his macbook. That way we can market ourselves as having the "best of both worlds"... can't wait lol



That's great. And cool that you don't have to add an additional member. It may or may not get you new bookings but it will certainly make you stand out to your existing bookings. Our DJ was spinning at a club we frequently played at. He was just a kid... only 20 when we started talking to him about running our lights. Since he DJ'd as well he brought that to the table and it has really made the 'act' complete'. He's a terrific DJ, brings turntables, mixers etc. We have everything coordinated so when we hit our last note he's already on the mic, cuing his set. We already had 6 guys on stage so we found a way to found a way to encompass his setup on stage in the rooms that make sense. It just really makes us stand out from the other bands in the rooms we play. Even a smaller bar can seem like a nightclub inbetween sets. He amps people up and keeps them on the dance floor until we come back on. He also contributes vocals to a few songs as well.

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I had a similar tiff with a DJ a few years back when this club we regularly play tried having a local ex-radio DJ do his thing during band breaks (in this case, his thing was simply playing the same tired party songs that he's been playing for years). Anyway, right before we went back up for our next set, my bass player started tuning. He doesn't have a tuner that mutes his signal, so his bass was audible. The DJ came storming up to me angrily, telling me that "I don't play over your set, man. Why the hell are you playing over mine?" I apologized and smoothed things over as best I could, but I felt a bit miffed at the guy for being such a dick about it.



I'd be more miffed at my bass player for not having a tuner that mutes his signal.

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We are "adding" a DJ as well. It's our rythym guitarist who used to DJ for 8 years and his macbook. Ta dah Insta-DJ! It's basically going to be him mixing stuff at home then playing it back with "seamless" transitions on his macbook. That way we can market ourselves as having the "best of both worlds"... can't wait lol



We're semi-doing this as well: right now, I have pre-loaded playlists on an iPod that's lined-in from my position, ready to go. As soon as the last note of a set finishes, I press play and: instant complementary music at an appropriate volume.


I am actually dipping my feet into DJ software and looking to put together a couple set pieces that are the same as you describe: pre-mixed, with cross-faded transitions, etc., just like a 'real' dj would do.

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I hate clubs that use DJs when the band takes a break. They always play inappropriate music and they always play it louder than the band. Seems like those clubs and their DJs go out of their way to make the band look and sound bad. I don't get it. We usually won't play under those circumstances as you're usually being set up to fail.



yeah, we felt like an unwelcome guest most of the night and what he played really killed our vibe

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Had an "issue" with a DJ we were splitting a gig with one time. Without going into details, I went out to the parking lot, removed the caps from his tire valves, stuck a pebble in each one and screwed them back on. Don't know how far he got before he had 4 flat tires.

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