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Booking win for my band!


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I got a call today from the manager of a hotel on the Ocean City boardwalk. Apparently, the asst. manager had been out to see us a few times and recommended us. They said we are exactly what they want and are booking us throughout the summer (1-2 Saturdays a month) to play their outdoor pool bar from 7:30pm - 11:30pm. Needless to say... we are quite stoked! :D


I have a lot of you guys to thank for helping me/us get to this point. Without your suggestions/criticisms we would still be playing local dive bars for $300. So... THANK YOU! :thu:



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Playing there that often, I should be able to make it to a show! If you don't wanna post it publicly, drop me a PM and let me know which hotel it is!

...and congrats!


Come on out - the more, the merrier!


I don't want search engines to single out this post, so I won't type the name here, but it starts with a P and rhymes with slim raza. :D


Of course, I'll post the venue and dates on our fb/website once they get firmed up.


... and thank you!

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UPDATE: Just got the call!!! They offered seven dates including Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July Weekend, Labor day Weekend, and Bike Week. We are already booked for 4th of July, but we took the other six.


Someone must have really liked us! :thu:

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Is this the type of place that will be busy on a holiday weekend? I'm not booking us any of those weekends unless it is in Newport. Bars tend to die those weekends.

PS thanks for blowing up my news feed last night with all those gigs lol



Yeah, O.C. is where the people migrate TO on Holiday weekends. Congrats on the gigs Mike!

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