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Canceled gig due to heat........:(


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We have a venue where we start playing about 5 PM. I like having 3 hours to setup so setup starts for me at the hottest portion of the day. Denver usually cools off pretty quickly and by 9 PM it can be getting too cool for everyone except the drummer. Haven't had a cancellation due to heat before. But I hate it when they call for the few trumpet tunes that I play that are on the higher register. Really can't hit those notes in the heat.

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Our gig tonight is cancelled, mutual agreement by us and the venue. They are still without power after last nights big storm that ripped thru the area. 400amp generator in the parking lot to power the kitchen. No AC inside.

It's an outdoor gig for us, and at the time we decided to postpone, the weather was showing a 100% chance of thunderstorms at 7pm- we play 8-12. Normally they'd have us play inside if it rains, but with the power situation, I didn't want to chance it either way.

Of course now that the show is off, the forecast changed to 10% rain until 11pm then 40%, so we'd probably stay dry.

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Last summer, I played an acoustic gig down by the river on a docked barge/bar, and it was in the mid 90s. I sweat so much that I shorted out the electronics in my Fishman pickup!



Its in the mid and upper 90's here in Florida right now. I sweat like that too, and use a wristband. It helps a bit. My strings rust after on gig so I havent changed 'em all week and just dealing with the mucky tone!!


To th OP: Outdoor gigs are cancelled alot down here. I just let it slide.

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