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Your groupies stories. Here.


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Originally posted by MrKnobs

I think the folks you guys are talking about are more aptly called "fans," which is short for fanatics. Or your "following."


I dunno, there's a difference though between the fan who comes out to your local shows, and the one who drives hundreds of miles to see your band, or volunteers to go around putting up posters, or run your fan club or whatever. Or collects every friggin thing you do and asks for MP3's of outtakes or the band farting in the studio, etc.


I think groupie, as popularly understood, is limited to females and definitely includes "romantic" intent, if not actualization. I use the word "romantic" not to mince words, but because I've noticed that there is a spectrum of groupies ranging from the infamous "plaster casters" of old to what I'd call "emo groupies" who are after the relationship but not the sex.


Yeah, I'd say that's how most people use the term. And some of them don't seem to differentiate between the "emo groupie" and the plaster-caster variety either.

But I always thought it was a bit unfair to refer to only females as groupies, and to assume that they all just wanted to sleep with the band, when I've seen plenty of fanatical male followers of bands. They just tend to be quieter about it than the women. And yes, some of them get made fun of and accused of having a secret gay crush on the band or whatever...

Bottom line is I think lots of people romanticize bands, including the people IN the bands. And we probably ought to have a word for that and the word ought to have a fairly favorable connotation, because I don't think there's a damned thing wrong with that. If it brings magic to people's lives, it's all good. And if people are afraid to admit that romanticizing a band brings magic to their lives, because they're afraid they'll be accused of being a psycho or a slut or whatever, that sucks.

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The thing that always set groupies apart from loyal fans was the weird connection to a their prey thing.

Lots of loyal fans will follow bands around and help them out and some even have sex with band members but just because they liked the band. Most of the women I met at gigs fell into this category.

Groupies seem to want to be part of the act. They (like Terry described in his story) aren't necessarily into the musicians but into the whole concept of being "rockstars". It's almost like the band members are only place holders for these women. I've only met a very few of these over the years.

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I agree groupies (At least up hear in NY) are pretty much a thing of the past, there's always a few fat chicks but the "Once bitten twice shy" video girls are long gone. They're all in clubs now with the homiez.

My one indicator of groupie girls always seemed to be a camera, and these girls were NOT with the band. They took snapshots like there were for freakin Metal Magazine! They all know each other, and they are at EVERY local show regardless what band it is. That's at least what I remember in the early 90's before the "scene" totally tanked. Since then it (The orignal scene) never really recovered. However, now married with kids, I don't go out NEARLY as much as I used to. Every time I'm out though, it doesn't seem nearly as cool as it used to be, or perhaps it's just skewed by grand memories of youth? Who knows.

What's odd, is once shunned, cover bands are making a FIERCE comeback up here!

Once I get tired of my bedroom wanking, maybe I'll get in a band again. I haven't gigged regularly in like 3 years and do miss it.

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Originally posted by Nuno Rawks

Thanks for the story Terry. I am extremely glad that my life has gone the way it has - I don't know that I would be able to handle the stuff you went through with all that.

My life has been boring by comparison, and I think I like it that way. smile.gif


ah, c'mon, are you still trying to hide all this man-to-man love you have ???? redface.gif
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Originally posted by THX1138

I'm a fan of many groups, but I ain't centering my free time around them.


Luckily for you, I really have no life. frown.gif


Its more about that person wanting to genuinely be a part of the band to an extent, and being willing to do whatever to help out.


Luckily for you, I really have no life frown.gif
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Originally posted by MrKnobs

Pebble & I played a show last night and I had what I think some of you would call a "groupie" experience.

Before I relate that, I think it would be interesting to know what exactly most of you believe "groupie" means. For example, what distinguishes a groupie from an ordinary girl.


Performing on a stage makes you a public figure. You are, for a little while at least, the center of attention. Ordinarily, people will either not bother you in your job, or they may approach you casually to remark on the set you did, maybe ask more detail about a song, or ask when or where you'll be playing again. Maybe the conversation ends with a handshake.

A groupie sees the public figure and assumes that figure is there FOR them. Your performance is a direct conversation with them, and, as such, you are involved in an intimate conversation with them.

These folks with hug you, come up on stage to talk about how cool that last song was. They'll tell you their life story as you're coming out of the restroom in between sets.

I guess my definition of groupie has less to do with any romantic stuff and more about the presumption of intimacy based on a false premise.

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Originally posted by BndGrl

Yep, that's how I found this place!

I certainly don't know crap about amps, guitars or deathmetal wink.gif


But you know a lot about guys in bands. Maybe you could tell some stories, maybe even write a book.

When I posted my first groupie story in this thread, I had no intention of writing 30,000 words but I found it easier and easier as I went on. It was pretty weird remembering all that stuff from so long ago.

I even tracked down most of the people in the story.

Terry D.

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I actually write a weekly blog for the local newspaper about my adventures with bands !biggrin.gif The link is in my sig.

Here is the funniest story I have, we called it "Remote Night."

I was really good friends with one of the local cover bands. One of the band guys was married to a really good friend of my best friend, Nikki. BG and WIFE had this competely dysfunctional {censored}ed up relationship where they both cheated on each other consistently but neither would leave and both were jealous as hell.

After a show one night, myself, singer and Nikki were back in the hotel room. BG decided to bring his new girlfriend Butterface (she had a killer body...but her face) back to our room. So Nikki, singer and I crawled into one bed (completely innocently) while BG and Butterface start having sex in the bed next to us.

They weren't just doing a simple pumping under the covers, they were full-fledge, lights on, having crazy ass sex for all to see. But, quite honestly this isn't something new for me so it really wasn't a big deal.

Nikki and I lay there trying to go to sleep, all while singer decided to give us color commentary on the action going on next to us. "Wow, look at that!" "Man, How'd she do that?" "She's flexible." Obviously we weren't going to be getting much sleep.

I laid there and closed my eyes as tight as I could and put the cover over my head so I could at least get in a quick nap in b/c Nikki and I had to leave really early in the morning. Just as I'm about to drift off, singer nudges me.

"Psst..Hey can you pass me the remote."

"WTF?" I say pissed off, "where the hell's it at?"

"On the night stand," he says, "just roll over and pick it up."

So I take the covers off my head, roll over, open my eyes to find the remote and all I see is BG's face in between Butterface's legs. "OH MY GOD!!" I screamed while singer and Nikki were just dying laughing. I'm awake now!

BG's wife refused to let BG have a cell phone so the only way she could reach him was either by calling the hotel room or singer's cell phone. We all noticed that we happened to have our cell phones close by so Nikki hides hers under the covers and dials singers phone number.

Singer pretends it's BG's wife and acts all freaked out. BG said "Don't answer!" So of course we continued to call watching him trying to get his freak on and freaked out all at the same time. After a few times Nikki brought her phone out from under the covers and singer hid his and started dialing Nikki's phone. Obviously he thinks it's wife calling Nikki since she couldn't get a hold of singer. So he continues to try and satisfy his woman while bitching about how his wife doesn't trust him...uh, wonder why dumbass?

Since wife has all ready "tried" to call singer and Nikki, the next logical place she would call would be the hotel room. So while there is more unlawful carnal knowledgin' in the bed to the right, I get up and sneak into the bathroom and dial the hotel. I turned on the water in the bathroom to not only cover my laughter but so that they wouldn't hear me ask for the room number.

So the hotel phone starts ringing, I walk back into the room with my cell phone at my side still on and they were so busy they didn't even notice they were being called from two feet in front of them. Again he's insistent that we not answer.

It was obviously killing us not to bust out laughing and we had to hide our faces a several times so as not to give it away with our laughter. I had tears just streaming down my face.

So FINALLY BG and Butterface are done. BG is sitting there complaining again how his wife doesn't trust him and Butterface is consoling him. Well then we hear...ring, ring, ring....It wasn't us this time.

This time he actually answers, "Hey baby," "I was just sleeping baby," "I love you too baby."

BG gets up and goes to the bathroom to clean the slut off of him. Butterface sits on the edge of the bed with her mini-skirt on and well, that's about it. Her fake tits were just sitting there staring right at us. But she's trying to have a conversation with us like nothing odd had just happened or she wasn't sitting there half naked. She then looks at us and says "I hope you don't think I do this often."

Bahhahahahaha, sure honey. As soon as she left Nikki told me about the band they were hanging out with a few weeks before and Butterface apparently didn't remember Nikki was there.

Obviously these kind of stories don't make the newspaper wink.gif

edited b/c I can't spell!

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We were playing down in Houston in 1985 at Cardies (maybe some of you will remember the place).

I'd been hanging around this group of people all week. It was three chicks and a dude. Two of the chicks were sisters. Towards the end of the week one of the sister ask me to go home with her. I did. The two sisters lived together in an apartment.

Went home with her, did what any young 'this world is my world' guy would do.

The chick had to work in the morning. She told me when I got up to just let myself out and she'd see me tonight at the club. So, she left and I fell back to sleep for a while.

Well a little while later, I woke with her sister laying next to me nekkid! Yeehaaa! So, did the sister too.

They both came out that night and we joked about it. They just take turns inviting guys over.

Who knows, maybe the sister I was with went to bang the guy her sister brought home that night...while I was banging the other sister.

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Originally posted by BndGrl

And by the way, the only reason I can share this story now is that BG and his wife did eventually split up (go figure) and he and Butterface are actually living together now happily ever after.



I love it when a beautiful story has a happy ending. biggrin.gif

Terry D.

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