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Crossover Placement

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Originally posted by Mikey Lee

Hi all,

What is the best location for my crossover; by the desk or in the rack with the power amps? It's a 'set and forget' unit, right? So it doesnt need to be right under the soundmans' nose?



I run my sound from stage,but occasionally it gets tweaked a little bit. Either way should be fine since it is the last thing in the chain before the power amps. When I set my stuff up as an actual soundperson doing sound for others,I would prefer having it close by me but I end up putting it in the power rack since it requires less sends on the snake.

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I prefer placing the x-over (or speaker processing) in the amp rack. I also use security covers. That tends to keep "inquiring hands" off of the controls. Doesn't take much screwing with things to ruin a bunch of gear.


X-overs (generally) should be set and forget devices. If you find yourself needing to mess with the x-over, you didn't set it up correctly to begin with, or something else is wrong with the system.

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One of the clubs I work had the X/O in the FOH rack. I had RTA'd the system and calibrated it flat via the X/O and the EQ.


We get a lot of B touring acts in there. Last week, the visiting FOH BE looked at the setup and reset everything before it was even powered up. He cranked all of the X/O inputs and outputs all the way up. He flatted the EQ and cranked its gain to +6. Turned to me and said, "I run my gain structure a bit different than most folks."


Then he fired up the system and spoke into an SM58 while he EQ'd it. (This is a guy who toured with a major stadium-filling act for ten years!)


It sounded like complete crap.


I have since placed the X/O in the amp rack behind a security cover.

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I would say generally it is better to have it with the amps. Less returns needed. Less chance of someone messing with it.


I however keep it in the mixing racks. It is more convenient for me this way.


1. It's either myself or another engineer I can trust operating the system.

2. I always tune the system myself even if I have another operator.

3. It is a rule that the other operators not touch the x/o.

4. I'm lazy, I like complete control of the system from the mixing position.


After I turn up the amps I rarely have to leave the mixing position generally. The monitor system is usually mixed/operated from side stage.

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