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Theme music from Jaws (Genz-Benz)

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They had an advanced case of "GAS"!


It's actually a very good thing as we will now have access to additional resources, enabling us to bring many new and advanced products that are now on the drawing boards to market more quickly, thus feeding your G.A.S.


(GAS = gear acquistion syndrome, by the way)

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There was just a thread on this a few days ago. At first I thought it was the stereotypical corporate takeover, where Kaman would do the same thing to GB like Gibson did to Kramer, Tobias, etc. Obviously that's not the case!

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Originally posted by J.

There was just a thread on this a few days ago. At first I thought it was the stereotypical corporate takeover, where Kaman would do the same thing to GB like Gibson did to Kramer, Tobias, etc. Obviously that's not the case!


Correct... a very different situation!

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Depends on how you define "need". I may not need a 1/2" 18 volt cordless hammer drill right now, but you never know when you're going to have to put a clean hole in solid granite in an emergency...I just want to be prepared.


I guess we should blame the Boy Scouts for instilling this mentality into males at an early age.

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Originally posted by agedhorse

The GAS thing may have a genetic propensity for the male gender... I mean how many of you guys can walk down a power tool aisle without stopping to look at SOMETHING... even if you KNOW you don't need it? How many actually buy it?


It's not male-specific....we all know women with severe S.A.S. (shoe aquisition syndrome), don't we?

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Originally posted by J the D

It's because they like to go sho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-opping.



Yeah, I don't shop. I go out and buy. Women tend to 'shop' by going out without a specific need and then just seeing what happens. I go to Home Depot to pick up a couple of 2x4's and then come home with a couple hundred bucks worth of 'impulse buys'.


Totally different thing.

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Originally posted by Old Steve

Yeah, I don't shop. I go out and buy. Women tend to 'shop' by going out without a specific need and then just seeing what happens. I go to Home Depot to pick up a couple of 2x4's and then come home with a couple hundred bucks worth of 'impulse buys'.

Totally different thing.



Now this is funny {censored}!

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It's the old saying. Men will buy a $10 item out of need but women will buy a $20 item reduced to $10 just because it's on sale. I knew a girl that would buy an item at 10% off and use a credit card with a 22% interest rate to pay it off. Kinda makes you think. huh? Your experience may vary.

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Originally posted by ATOMICDOG1

Agedhorse, hasn't Kaman distributed Genz Benz for a while now?


Yes they have, and now they see a lot of potential in some of our designs in progress that needed the help of a larger company to bring to fruition more quickly and efficiently. Look to the new El Diablo guitar amp as an example of some of the new ideas that we are "gestating".

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Originally posted by Old Steve

Depends on how you define "need". I may not need a 1/2" 18 volt cordless hammer drill right now, but you never know when you're going to have to put a clean hole in solid granite in an emergency...I just want to be prepared.



EXACTLY - That is why I own 7 different routers - ya never know......

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Originally posted by Loves_LPs

EXACTLY - That is why I own 7 different routers - ya never know......



We get a lot of routing emergencies in my area. Looks to me like you're prepared, and have the ability to lead a team with 6 other people to go round off some corners when disaster strikes.

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Originally posted by Old Steve

We get a lot of routing emergencies in my area. Looks to me like you're prepared, and have the ability to lead a team with 6 other people to go round off some corners when disaster strikes.


I can bring 3 belt sanders!


How many cordless drills do you guys own each?

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Originally posted by Audiopile:

Tape measures: Maybe 20 - 50 with 4 or 5 where they're suspose to be at any one time.



ROFLMAO! And here I thought I was the only one! But Mark, tell the truth...... can you REALLY find 4 or 5 at any one time? Best I ever can do is 2.


BTW, I only have 3 cordless drills - and they are all different voltages, so I really need all 3 Honey! ;)

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One cordless, one with a cord, and one 1/2" with a cord. I use tape measures as "seed"....just sprinkle them everywhere and then you'll always have one within arm's reach.


Audiopile: those guys must have looked at you like the first guy who invented fire...."Ugh, man hit rocks and make yellow heat ghost. Ugh, then he make it so pooper seat no give me splinters. Him magic man."

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I'm a fresh-out-of-college 23 year old who lives in an apartment, yet I've already started to acquire a tool collection. I like tools. They are nice to use as well as nice to look at. :)


Loves_LPs... I was wrong when I said there was a thread on the Genz Benz situation awhile ago. You're the first. There was an older thread about it, but it was on the Bass forum, not here. D'oh! *smacks self in head*

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Originally posted by Loves_LPs

Originally posted by Audiopile:

Tape measures: Maybe 20 - 50 with 4 or 5 where they're suspose to be at any one time.


ROFLMAO! And here I thought I was the only one! But Mark, tell the truth...... can you REALLY find 4 or 5 at any one time? Best I ever can do is 2.

BTW, I only have 3 cordless drills - and they are all different voltages, so I really need all 3 Honey!

That's exactly why I have about a dozen utility knives.

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OK, I'll play.

Two on the computer table (vinyl lettering & general junk depository), one on the music gear junk table in the garage, one in the kitchen drawer, two in the work truck, one in the car, one in my toolbox at home, one in the wife's house toolbox, and the one that gets used the most; a little 3 footer that hangs on my keychain.

Yeaaay.... that's 10 and I guarentee that 90% of them are there.

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Speaking of multiple tape measures.....


Did you ever lay several down side by side, and compare measurements? Even after you align them at some arbitrary starting point (to eliminate hook-play errror, you will be shocked by the discrepancies. I've seen a measure be more than an eighth out, and then get back in synch with the reference rule a couple of feet later - and I am not talking cheapos, either. SCARY stuff. That's why I always use one rule throughout a project, try to use a storyboard, and whenever possible, take measurements directly.

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