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in which order should I put ?

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Asumming that it makes no difference gain/level wise (you'll have to check this)...


If you put the feedback device last it will control feedback better ... but ... it will change the tone/effect more in doing so.


Which is more important?

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Originally posted by Audioeast

You should put it in front of the door to hold it open......

sorry...couldnt help it,

Why are you putting it inline?

IMO ....put it on the output chain after the mixer and before the amp


I know ... in a perfect world where I would be the perfect singer with the perfect gear and a perfect soudman I obviously wouldn't need it.


I'm a singer, not a soundman. We have no soundman.

I have to rely on my on effects.

So the flow is : mic -> FX -> DSP110 (or before the FX) -> venue desk


"Venue desk" is usually some 4 channel mixer into the hifi system

"operated" by a barman who's is scared to break any fader because they're rusted into "permanent" settings.

And then he's busy sellings beers anyway ...


My FX unit includes a preamp that I can use or not if I need.

Most of the time I leave it on and send a line level signal to the desk (goes into a line in then)


As for the gain/volume thing both units have options and accept both line and mic levels so I could set them up in any order.


Well ... ?

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