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Power Conditioners for Live Show??

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I can offer explanations as to why i think that this occurred, but most here aren't open to ideas that they can't understand or haven't experienced for themselves. As such, i'm not going to waste my time typing out a short novel of an explanation that will be shot down with a two word response i.e. "prove it". Sean




More condescention. Please quote anything indicating an explanation from you wasn't understood. Oh. Sorry. Was I asking you to prove something you've written?

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Craigv: As a moderator, your responses aren't moderate, fair or impartial. In fact, they are quite biased and border on mean spirited personal attacks. As such, you are unfit to hold the position that you do and should be removed from this position ASAP. Sean


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Craigv: By the way, i simply shared an honest personal experience that pertained to the discussion at hand i.e. the various gear used to provide AC power to rack gear & amplifiers. Agedhorse and several others made generalized statements, but because they happened to agree with your personal perspective, their responses were not called into question OR treated in the same manner.


I shared a VERY specific situation pertaining to a bass rig ( used for both live and studio work ) as a point of reference. As such, the post and subject matter were both on topic and pertained to information shared within the confines of this forum. Given that fact, you should either learn how to be an impartial moderator or step down from your position. Sean


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One more post about this topic (not about the OP of course, that one's long lost).


There is a certain home (and pro) audio manufacturer who markets their IMHO inferior products to upscale yuppies by showing testimonials by this same class of people of how much they love their products. This is all psychologoical BS (admitedly as is most advertizing).


Now the thing that bothers me is why would you ask your doctor or attorney if a particular speakers sounds good? I have nothing against these professions (well maybe the latter of the two;)) but ear training isn't a prerequisit to becoming financialy well off. I know I wouldn't want to testify to the quality of some particular medical contrivance or give legal advice. I'm sure the people who buy these products just "know" that they have the very best sound possible (after all, the doctor said so).


It just goes to show how perception can change your mind (or is it that your mind can change your perception?).


Just an observation (from an unbiased mind:))

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Craigv: As a moderator, your responses aren't moderate, fair or impartial. In fact, they are quite biased and border on mean spirited personal attacks. As such, you are unfit to hold the position that you do and should be removed from this position ASAP. Sean


I like Craigv as a mod.


Craigv - You are doing a great job, keep up the good work!:thu:

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Craigv: By the way, i simply shared an honest personal experience that pertained to the discussion at hand i.e. the various gear used to provide AC power to rack gear & amplifiers. Agedhorse and several others made generalized statements, but because they happened to agree with your personal perspective, their responses were not called into question OR treated in the same manner.

I shared a VERY specific situation pertaining to a bass rig ( used for both live and studio work ) as a point of reference. As such, the post and subject matter were both on topic and pertained to information shared within the confines of this forum. Given that fact, you should either learn how to be an impartial moderator or step down from your position. Sean




Impartial moderation means applying the forum rules fairly. What has this got to do with who's opinion I agree with? What has this got to do with me stating my opinions? What has this got to do with how I respond to your opinions?


You're confusing moderation with participation. As a member I can participate fully in any thread. It has nothing to do with my duties as a moderator.


Of course, if you have a problem, I encourage you to contact Admin.

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Quad box? Is this just an eletrcal box with the four plugs? Just wanting to make sure because some of the terminology is different but means the same thing. Just trying to learn all I can and you guys are a great help.



Yup, that's all it is. A good quad box puts power where you need it. That's all you need.

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Hawkeye and Aw-de-oooooo, I'll be short. Bull$hit, bull$hit, up to and buried beyond the ears in bull$hit.

CraigV and Agedhorse, I'll be short. Quit feeding the trolls.

Nobody else cares, Winston.



Your first post in this thread, and that's what you wanted to share? Unfortunately, yet another example of the mean-spirited, immoderate invective from the self-ordained cognoscenti that I referred to earlier. I think your comments qualify you as the troll in this thread. It seems like an Islamo-fascist pedophile could find a more friendly reception on this board. If I try to interpret, it would appear that you are cynical of the claims made for accessory power cords? Would that be fair?


Actually, some do care enough about the topic to have a real adult discussion. I've appreciated the input of many of the posters here who don't necessarily share my opinion but have offered some interesting and thoughtful viewpoints on the issue anyway, encouraging me to look at the issue from different perspectives. If you are not so inclined, don't feel obligated to stick around.


Here's something that's interesting in a timely way actually; A friend here at work who is an engineer (and freely admits that it really bugs him that he can't quantify and understand the physics and principles involved) just emailed me today saying that he purchased some PS Audio power cords for his audio system because he had previously 'heard' my power cords in his system that I lent him and found that the sound of his system was much improved. He's pretty familiar with his 2-channel audio system as he built the transmission-line speakers himself. FWIW, I just throw it out there.

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here in the real world I smoked a Yamaha emx Powered mixer last night because I didnt trust my little 50 dollaar Furman and bypassed it when it would spark out and trip the breaker twice on a circuit that had 210 volts running to it. Pilot error to be sure, but the furman would have saved me from smoking the mixer had I trusted it and checked the outlet it was connected to. Interestingly enough, the big screen tv and the saladbar light were in this circuit as well in this bar we were playing. Anyone explain that one to me?

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If it tripped the breaker on the Furman twice with the EMX mixer plugged in? If that's true, the first time the breaker tripped your amp had already bit the big one. Won't take more than a few mSec for that kind of fault to cause it's damage and your Furman wouldn't have helped one bit.


I'll bet the TV and light were not on the same circuit, they may have appeared{/I] to be to the untrained eye.


If you meter your outlets BEFORE plugging anything into them, that will identify the fault before connecting any loads to it.

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to be to the untrained eye.

If you meter your outlets BEFORE plugging anything into them, that will identify the fault before connecting any loads to it.



Well it tripped the breaker in the panel in the back room twice. And we verified that the tv/light were in the same outlet pair. And had an electrician check our findings to see that we werent mistaken and I am still confused, but no matter as we will always test outlets before we plug things in. Much smoke was released in the process. Club owner thought it was dry ice. Dont suppose we could hold the club liable for repairs? Didnt really think so.

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We wonder also why werent the wall warts in the furman roached as well, or the gear powered by them?



Most (not all) wall warts are actually switching power supplies these days. They are usually (again not always) able to handle anything from 110 to 240 V (to work in Europe and USA).

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Two quad boxes and enough cable to reach two outlets on different circuits.


Yea biggest problem with that is most bar owners don't have a f**king clue on which circuit goes to which outlet. :freak: I run in to this {censored} all the time. And trying to find out is another hassel :mad:

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Your first post in this thread, and that's what you wanted to share? Unfortunately, yet another example of the mean-spirited, immoderate invective from the self-ordained cognoscenti that I referred to earlier. I think your comments qualify
as the troll in this thread. It seems like an Islamo-fascist pedophile could find a more friendly reception on this board. If I try to interpret, it would appear that you are cynical of the claims made for accessory power cords? Would that be fair?

Actually, some do care enough about the topic to have a real adult discussion. I've appreciated the input of many of the posters here who don't necessarily share my opinion but have offered some interesting and thoughtful viewpoints on the issue anyway, encouraging me to look at the issue from different perspectives. If you are not so inclined, don't feel obligated to stick around.

Here's something that's interesting in a timely way actually; A friend here at work who is an engineer (and freely admits that it really bugs him that he can't quantify and understand the physics and principles involved) just emailed me today saying that he purchased some PS Audio power cords for his audio system because he had previously 'heard' my power cords in his system that I lent him and found that the sound of his system was much improved. He's pretty familiar with his 2-channel audio system as he built the transmission-line speakers himself. FWIW, I just throw it out there.





This is a live sound forum, any possible but yet conveniently scientifically unsubstantiated differences that you are positing will be drowned out by the noise floor created by the drunks at the back of the bar or, at the higher level of production, the screaming fans. It's still a waste of time.


My opinion and I'm sticking with it, nobody said you had to agree. Winston

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