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Best PA Speakers For our style of music

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Hey there,

I work at a venue doing all the booking, and a lot of the sound. We're having a problem blowing horns, we've blown horns on 2 sets of JRX series speakers, im wondering if there's a reason we keep blowing these!

The music we run through this is usually hardcore/screaming music. It's metal, so the guitarists usuallydont want to turn down so we dont kill the PA trying to keep up. So is there any speakers that you would reccomend for our purposes?

Not really a set budget, just trying to field all of my options and check out how much we need to set aside.

Thanks so much for your time!

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You might want to hook up with a local professional sound company to review what you have and how you are using it. I'll bet you need a lot more PA and maybe a little less power per box. Are the limiters engaged on your power amps (or do they even have them?) What else do you have?

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Thanks so much for your responses.


As for the limiters,

honestly I don't know if they are, we're running the JRX's off of a crown XLS 402D.

I am located in the panhandle of Florida.

I'm pretty new at this, so just bear with me please.

thanks for all your input.

It's a room that can fit about, 300-400 people.

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There are no limiters on your amp, that's one major reason why you are blowing horns. When the signal is clipped, the harmonics generated exceed the power handling capability of the high frequency driver.


Which model JRX? You might be able to use a little more power with your speakers but not enough to make a meaningful difference, though if you had limiters you would cutthe risk of horn drivers failing by a large margin.


The clip lights on your amp tell you that you are exceening the undistorted power output thatthe amp can deliver. Keep the volume down so the lights do not flash and you will at least eliminate the horns blowing. If you need more volume, get more speakers, better speakers or a combination of both with appropriate power and an amp with a built in limiter.

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They're JRX 125's

One of the guys i work with is a musician, and had a problem with the horns blowing on his speakers, so he put a light in, or something and now the light blows instead of the horns.

Would that be a good route to take, it sounds like it to me?

Thanks for the time agedhorse,you're the man.


Would buying a compressor fix/help the problem as well?

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They're JRX 125's

One of the guys i work with is a musician, and had a problem with the horns blowing on his speakers, so he put a light in, or something and now the light blows instead of the horns.

Would that be a good route to take, it sounds like it to me?

Thanks for the time agedhorse,you're the man.


Would buying a compressor fix/help the problem as well?



Limiting is compression with a ratio higher than about 10:1. While a compressor adjusted correctly may help, it is just as likely to squash the mix so it'll sound terrible.


Lightbulbs as driver protection is used in some commercial speakers. You'd have to carefully size the bulb so it works correctly. It would be easier and a lot more effective to set up the rig correctly as advised in previous posts. A blown bulb during the gig puts the speaker out of service just as effectively as a blown driver. Fix the problem.

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What you need to do is put one of these on each side of the stage




Then put two of these on top of each of the subs




Then one of these to top off the stacks




And drive/process it all with one of these per side.




Killer system.

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Lightbulbs as driver protection is used in some commercial speakers. You'd have to carefully size the bulb so it works correctly. It would be easier and a lot more effective to set up the rig correctly as advised in previous posts. A blown bulb during the gig puts the speaker out of service just as effectively as a blown driver. Fix the problem.



JRX 125s already have lightbulb protection:



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the hard and fast truth is the JRX are not suitable for metal, they work good to hold the door open when you bring your new speakers in :thu:


but seriously you need something with a 15" cast basket, a good 1.4" HF driver and at least 500w per box, anda limiting scheme to get up to par.. at least thats my opinion, powered speakers would give all of that plus would be biamped , you could move your JRX's to monitor duty so you can hear the screams first hand

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There was a guy over on the LAB (lounge), that had some better level JBL horns & drivers he installed into his JRX dual 15 models and said was a HUGE improvement. Don't remember the driver model number but he just posted in the LAB Lounge (likely to get moved to the Marketplace there) that he had to buy 9 drivers and only needed 6 (I THINK it was the same guy, do subject search there).



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There was a guy over on the LAB (lounge), that had some better level JBL horns & drivers he installed into his JRX dual 15 models and said was a HUGE improvement. Don't remember the driver model number but he just posted in the LAB Lounge (likely to get moved to the Marketplace there) that he had to buy 9 drivers and only needed 6 (I THINK it was the same guy, do subject search there).



I'm sure if he put 2226's in the holes, and equivalent comp drivers on the horns, he'd have a big improvement. But that's kinda like the carpenter who claims his hammer's lasted him 20 years...replaced the head twice, the handle three times;):D

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